Passive Income Ideas by Ramit Sethi

16 Passive Income ideas to start now & boost your 2024 earnings

Whether you’re creating digital content, investing in the stock market, or venturing into real estate, the early stages of setting up a passive income demand dedication. But once you cross that initial hurdle, the potential for sustained, passive earnings is enormous.

This article isn’t just a list of ideas; it’s a practical guide. We’re diving into various avenues for passive income, discussing their nuances, and offering insights on how to make them work for you. 

We’ve broken down this post into the types of passive income you can make either online, via financial investments, or if you only have a small amount to start! Feel free to jump to the sections that you can relate to the most. 

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Table of Contents

Top Online Passive Income Ideas

1. Creating and selling an Online Course

Think of your unique skill set or knowledge area as a goldmine for passive income. Creating an online course is like building a bridge between what you know and what others want to learn. And please note that t’s not just about throwing together a few videos. You’re crafting a learning journey – from the introductory basics to the nitty-gritty details. The upfront work involves recording comprehensive lessons, creating engaging materials, and perhaps the most crucial – understanding what makes your audience tick. 

The beauty of this model lies in its long-term payoff. Once your course is up and running, every sale is like a nod to your expertise. And with the online education market booming, your course could be the go-to resource for learners worldwide.

2. Writing and publishing an eBook

The written word has power, especially when it’s packaged into an eBook that taps into a niche or solves a specific problem. Writing an eBook is similar as creating a course, you need to translate your knowledge or creative ideas into a format that’s easily accessible worldwide. But here’s a pro tip from the trenches: know your audience inside out. Are they seeking how-to guides, self-help strategies, or compelling stories? Once you’ve penned down your content (or hired a ghostwriter to do so), platforms like Amazon become your stage. Each sale translates into royalties, creating a continuous income stream. And let’s not forget the potential of your eBook to establish you as an authority in your field. If your book achieves that, it will become more than just passive income; but a personal brand that can open doors to new opportunities.

3. Affiliate Marketing - making money through endorsements

Affiliate marketing is the link between consumers and products you believe in. It’s simple yet effective: you recommend products and earn a commission for every sale made through your referral. But here’s the catch – authenticity is key. Your audience trusts you, so recommend products that you genuinely use and love. Don’t just of and plaster links everywhere; but integrate them into valuable content – be it blog posts, videos, or social media. The beauty of affiliate marketing lies in its scalability. You create the content once, but the affiliate links can generate income repeatedly, offering a steady income stream if done right. And remember, transparency with your audience about your affiliate partnerships is not just ethical; it builds trust, which is the main currency in the world of affiliate marketing.

4. Membership Sites - creating exclusive content communities

Imagine a space where your most engaged followers can access exclusive content for a regular fee – that’s what membership sites are all about. It’s about creating a community around your expertise or interests. Whether it’s premium tutorials, exclusive webinars, or members-only forums, the key is to offer value that can’t be found elsewhere. The initial work involves setting up the platform and creating content, but once it’s running, it’s about nurturing the community and keeping the content fresh and engaging. Membership sites are actually more that just passive income; they are more about building a loyal audience base that values your unique offering. Plus, they provide predictable, recurring revenue – a major plus in the passive income world.

5. Selling Stock Photos and Videos

If you have a knack for photography or videography, selling stock images and videos can be a lucrative passive income avenue. Here’s the deal: you upload your work to platforms like Shutterstock or Adobe Stock, and then sit back and earn royalties every time someone purchases your content. But the key is quality and uniqueness. The stock content market is crowded, so your work needs to stand out. Think unique angles, niche subjects, or even local flavors that aren’t widely available. The more diverse and high-quality your portfolio, the higher your potential for regular, passive income. This is a game of volume and quality – the more exceptional content you have out there, the more you’re likely to earn.

6. Starting a Podcast

Podcasting as a platform to share your thoughts, it’s an avenue ripe for passive income. Start by identifying a niche you’re passionate about, and then build a podcast around it. The key is consistency and quality – engaging content that keeps listeners coming back. Monetizing your podcast can come from sponsorships, advertisements, or even exclusive content for premium subscribers. It’s about building an audience and then leveraging that reach. Sure, podcasting requires commitment – planning episodes, recording, and editing – but once you’ve established a solid listener base, it becomes a vehicle for steady passive income. For extra inspo, check out this article to find out how much do podcasters make

Financial Investments: Smart Moves for Long-Term Gains

Investing your money can be a powerful way to generate passive income, but it’s not without its nuances. It’s about striking a balance between risk and reward, and understanding where your money can work best for you. Let’s explore some key investment avenues:

7. Dividend Stocks

Investing in dividend stocks means buying shares of companies that pay out a portion of their earnings to shareholders. It’s like getting a regular paycheck, just for owning the stock. The key here is to look for companies with a strong track record of dividend payouts and potential for growth. Diversify your portfolio across different sectors to mitigate risks. Remember, dividends can fluctuate with company performance, so it’s crucial to stay informed and make adjustments as needed.

8. High-Yield Savings Accounts or CDs

For those who prefer playing it safe, high-yield savings accounts or Certificates of Deposit (CDs) offer a more secure way to earn passive income. The interest rates are usually higher than regular savings accounts, making them a stable, low-risk investment. The trade-off? Liquidity. With CDs, your money is locked in for a set period, but in return, you get guaranteed returns. It’s ideal for those who have spare cash that they won’t need to touch for a while.

What To Avoid in Finding your next Passive Income Idea? Check out the IWT Podcast to find out!

In this article, we only talk about what you should LOOK FOR in finding your next big idea. But what about what you should avoid? Episode 137 talks about exactly that! Check out my conversation with this couple and one member’s ongoing habit of falling for gimmicky schemes.

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9. Bonds and Bond Index Funds

Bonds are essentially loans you give to corporations or governments, in return for regular interest payments. Bond index funds, on the other hand, pool your money with other investors

to invest in a variety of bonds, offering diversification and reducing risk. While bonds generally offer lower returns compared to stocks, they are less volatile, making them a good option for a more conservative investment strategy. It’s a way to earn passive income while also providing a buffer against the ups and downs of the stock market.

10. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

REITs allow you to invest in real estate without the hassle of buying or managing properties yourself. These trusts own and operate income-generating real estate, and by law, must pay out most of their taxable income to shareholders. This translates into regular dividend payments for you. REITs can be a great way to gain exposure to the real estate market, with the added benefit of liquidity since they’re traded on major stock exchanges.

11. Money Market Accounts

Money market accounts are like savings accounts on steroids. They typically offer higher interest rates, and sometimes check-writing privileges, but might require a higher minimum balance. They’re a safe bet for earning passive income, with the added advantage of being FDIC insured. This option is perfect for those who want to earn a bit more than a regular savings account without significantly higher risk.

12. Real Estate

Direct real estate investment involves buying property to rent or sell at a profit. While this can be a lucrative avenue, it requires significant capital and hands-on management. Alternatively, you can invest in rental properties through crowdfunding platforms, which lower the entry barrier. Real estate can be a great wealth builder, offering both rental income and capital appreciation. However, it’s crucial to do thorough market research and consider factors like location, property type, and market trends before diving in.

Passive Income Ideas with Little Money

Even with a thinner wallet, the world of passive income is still within reach. It’s all about being resourceful and spotting opportunities that don’t require a big financial leap. Let’s dive into a couple of accessible strategies:

13. Rent Out Items

Got a garage full of tools, a rarely-used camera, or perhaps a bike that’s gathering dust? It’s time to put these assets to work. Platforms like Fat Llama or PeerRenters offer a way to rent out your belongings for a fee. This approach is all about tapping into the sharing economy – you provide something of value that others need temporarily. The beauty? It’s incredibly low-effort. You just list your items, set your price, and voila – your everyday belongings turn into income-generating assets. It’s a practical way to make your possessions pay their way.

14. Low-Yield Savings Accounts

Now, let’s talk about something as straightforward as a savings account, but with a twist. While they won’t make you rich overnight, low-yield savings accounts are a risk-free way to get some return on your cash. Sure, the returns are modest, but there’s virtually no risk involved. This option is perfect for those who want their money to grow at a steady, albeit slow, pace. It’s about taking those small, sure steps towards financial growth, ideal for anyone who’s just starting out on their journey to building wealth.

15. Dropshipping

In a dropshipping business model, you sell products without holding inventory. You set up an online store, and when a customer buys something, the order is sent to a third-party supplier who ships it directly to them. Your investment? Setting up the website and marketing your products.

16. YouTube Channel

If you’re comfortable in front of a camera, starting a YouTube channel could be a great way to earn passive income. Focus on a niche you’re passionate about. Income comes from ads, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing. It requires time to create and edit videos, but the potential reach and revenue from YouTube can be significant.

While discussing YouTube channels, if you missed it, here’s an episode of my podcast examining how one partner’s YouTube success contrasts with the other’s struggles, impacting their finance and relationship. 

Wrapping Up: Your Path to Earning More in 2024

The key to success in passive income isn’t just in selecting the right idea; it’s in the execution. It’s about aligning your skills and interests with market needs, understanding the nuances of your chosen path, and being willing to put in the work upfront. And while the potential for earnings is significant, it’s important to approach each opportunity with a blend of optimism and realism.

Whether you’re looking to supplement your income, diversify your financial portfolio, or even replace your traditional salary, these passive income ideas can be your gateway to greater financial freedom and flexibility. The journey might require some hard yards initially, but the rewards – financial independence, more freedom, and the ability to live your rich life – are well worth the effort.

FAQ on Passive Income

What is passive income?

Passive income is money you earn with minimal ongoing effort, a way to make your finances work for you instead of the other way around. It’s the income you receive from investments, rental properties, or business ventures where you’re not actively involved. Think of it as setting up a stream that flows into your bank account, whether you’re working, sleeping, or enjoying your free time. Read this article on passive income to find out everything you need to know and more! 

How to come up with passive income ideas with little money?

Starting with little money requires creativity but it’s entirely possible. Consider digital products like ebooks or courses – create once, sell many times. Explore affiliate marketing, where you earn by promoting others’ products. Look into crowdfunded real estate platforms, allowing investment with minimal capital. Your skills or hobbies might also offer opportunities, such as starting a blog or YouTube channel and eventually earning through ads.

Which passive income source is best?

The best passive income source aligns with your interests, skills, and financial goals. Real estate investments, for example, are popular for their potential returns but require upfront capital and management. Dividend-paying stocks or mutual funds offer a more hands-off approach. Digital products or online courses can provide scalable income if you have expertise to share. Evaluate your resources and interests to find the best fit for you.

How do I minimize my taxes on passive income?

Minimizing taxes on passive income involves strategic planning and understanding tax laws. Utilize tax-advantaged accounts like IRAs for investing. Consider real estate investments, which offer deductions like depreciation. Keep accurate records of all expenses related to your passive income sources for potential deductions. Consulting with a tax professional can also uncover specific strategies tailored to your situation, ensuring you keep more of your earnings.

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Host of Netflix's "How to Get Rich", NYT Bestselling Author & host of the hit I Will Teach You To Be Rich Podcast. For over 20 years, Ramit has been sharing proven strategies to help people like you take control of their money and live a Rich Life.