Productivity Tips by Ramit Sethi

11 Productivity tips to unlock your potential (by an entrepreneur)

In this article, I’m going to lay out practical, actionable strategies that have helped me build my multi-million dollar business and how you can transform your productivity in the new year. 

Without further ado, let’s dive into these 11 productivity tips.

Productivity Tips by Ramit Sethi
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Table of Contents

1. Manage Your Energy, Not Just Your Time

Think about this: managing your energy is just as crucial as managing your time, yet it’s a canvas most productivity gurus leave untouched. Here’s the reality: our energy levels aren’t static. They peak, they dip, and that’s perfectly natural. Trying to outwit your body’s natural rhythm by burning the midnight oil? That’s a recipe for burnout my friend, not productivity.

Instead, let’s get strategic. Align your most challenging tasks with your peak energy periods. It’s not about squeezing more hours into the day; it’s about making those hours count. And when your energy starts to wane? That’s the time for the lighter, less demanding tasks. This isn’t just about working hard; it’s about working smart, using your natural energy flows to your advantage. 

2. Tune Out Distractions

In our hyper-connected world, distractions are like constant buzzes around your head, and tuning them out does wonders for your productivity. It’s not only about self-control (and yes, that’s a tough one, too)  it’s also about creating an environment where focus thrives. Your phone, with its endless stream of notifications, is the biggest culprit. It’s time to put it on a leash.

Start by turning off non-essential notifications. Yes, all those pings and dings from emails, social media, and apps you don’t really use. Schedule specific times to check them instead of letting them interrupt your flow. In 2024, you owe it to yourself to take back control of your attention.

The real secret? Making peace with silence and focus, create pockets of productivity where you can dive deep into your work without the constant FOMO. By mastering the art of tuning out distractions, you’re not just completing tasks; you’re giving them the quality and attention they deserve. Remember, in the world of productivity, silence is golden.

3. Focus on One Thing at a Time

Here’s a truth bomb: multitasking is a myth. It’s a flashy, seductive idea that promises efficiency but delivers mediocrity. The secret sauce to real productivity? Laser focus on one task at a time. Your focus should be on mastering, not juggling.

When you scatter your attention across multiple tasks, you’re not really giving your best to any of them. It’s like trying to run in different directions at the same time – you end up going nowhere fast. Instead, pick one task, pour all your concentration into it, nail it, and then move on to the next. This is about deep work, immersing yourself so completely that quality and efficiency skyrocket.

4. Let Go of Perfectionism

Perfectionism is a trap. It’s that voice telling you that nothing is ever good enough, leading to endless tweaks and revisions. The key to unlocking true productivity? Letting go of this need for perfection. Embrace ‘good enough’ when it truly is.

Before we proceed, let’s set something straight; this isn’t a call to lower your standards, but rather a strategy to be more effective. Perfectionism often masks itself as a pursuit of excellence, but in reality, it can be a roadblock. It holds you back from finishing tasks and moving forward. Instead, aim for excellence, not perfection. Excellence is attainable, measurable, and, most importantly, it allows for progress.

When you replace perfectionism with a focus on continuous improvement, you’ll find that you’re not only more productive but also more satisfied with your work. You’ll complete tasks faster and more efficiently, freeing up time for innovation and creativity. Remember, done is often better than perfect.

5. Do the Hardest Thing First

This tip is about tackling the big, scary monster first thing in the morning: the most challenging task of your day. Why? Because often, that’s when your energy and willpower are at their peak. By conquering the toughest task early, you set a powerful tone for the day, and everything else feels easier in comparison.

This approach, often called ‘eating the frog‘ means you’re not spending the whole day dreading that one task. It’s about getting it out of the way, so it doesn’t loom over you, sapping your energy and focus. Once it’s done, you ride that wave of accomplishment and momentum into your other tasks.

Don’t mistake this for a brutal plunge into work. It’s strategic; it’s about understanding the psychology of productivity. When you start with the hardest thing, you leverage your morning energy, often your best, and turn it into tangible results. This not only boosts your productivity but also gives you a sense of achievement that fuels the rest of your day.

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6. Identify Your Most Productive Time of Day

Everyone has a certain time of day when they’re at their most efficient and creative. Some people are morning larks, soaring with ideas at dawn, while others are night owls, hitting their stride when the sun goes down. Identifying and capitalizing on these golden hours can significantly amplify your productivity.

This isn’t about conforming to the standard 9-to-5 if that’s not when you’re at your best. It’s about tuning into your internal clock. Pay attention to when you feel most alert and focused. Are you breezing through tasks in the morning or picking up pace post-lunch? Use this knowledge to schedule your most demanding tasks during these high-energy windows.

By aligning your work schedule with your natural productivity peaks, you’re not just working hard; you’re working smart. This self-awareness allows you to make the most of your day, transforming productivity from a struggle into a seamless part of your rhythm. It’s not just about finding time; it’s about making time work for you.

7. Automate Manual Tasks

Automation and AI is the game-changer here. It’s about smartly delegating those mundane, time-consuming tasks to software, so you can focus on what really matters – the work that requires your unique skills and creativity.

Start by identifying tasks in your daily routine that are repetitive and don’t necessarily need your personal touch. This could be anything from email sorting to data entry. Then, find tools that can handle these tasks for you. From scheduling social media posts to automating invoice creation, there’s a plethora of tools out there designed to make your life easier.


Remember, the power of automation extends beyond just your daily work tasks. It can revolutionize the way you manage your finances too. Interested in learning how? Dive into my comprehensive guide on financial automation strategies. It’s all about making your money work as efficiently as you do.

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8. Time-Block Your Calendar

Time-blocking is like creating a roadmap for your day, ensuring you’re driving towards your goals without taking unnecessary detours. It’s about dedicating specific blocks of time to specific tasks, and it’s a game-changer for productivity. 

Start by breaking your day into chunks – perhaps in 30-minute or 1-hour intervals. Assign each block a specific task or activity. This could mean setting aside the first hour for creative work, another block for meetings, and so on. The key is to stick to these blocks as closely as possible, treating them like appointments with yourself that you can’t miss.

By time-blocking, you’re doing more than just managing your time. You’re setting clear boundaries and expectations for what you can achieve in a day. It helps prevent task spill-over and keeps you focused on the task at hand. Plus, it’s incredibly satisfying to see your day laid out clearly, knowing exactly what you need to do and when. 

9. Eat & Sleep Well

This might sound like your doctor’s advice, but trust me, it’s a cornerstone of productivity too. Eating well and getting enough sleep are not just about physical health; they’re critical for mental sharpness and endurance. You can’t expect to be a high performer if you’re running on junk food and minimal sleep.

Let’s start with food. Think of it as fuel for your body. A car won’t run efficiently on low-quality gasoline, and neither will your body. Opt for nutritious meals that give you sustained energy – think whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables. Avoid the sugar crash that comes from processed snacks and sweets.

Now, sleep. It’s not a luxury; it’s a necessity. A well-rested brain is more alert, more focused, and more creative. Aim for 6-8 hours of quality sleep each night. Create a sleep-friendly environment – cool, dark, and quiet – and establish a relaxing bedtime routine. Remember, pulling all-nighters isn’t a badge of honor; it’s a fast track to burnout.

For more insights on balancing self-care with entrepreneurship, check out my article on what self-care really looks like for an entrepreneur.

10. Take Breaks

Ironically, one of the best productivity strategies is to step away from work. Yes, taking breaks is essential, not optional. It’s not slacking off; it’s recharging your mental batteries. Continuous work without breaks leads to burnout and diminished returns on your efforts.

Think of it like interval training for athletes. High-intensity bursts are followed by short recovery periods, leading to better performance. Apply the same principle to your work. After a focused work session, take a short break. Stretch, go for a walk, grab a coffee, or just gaze out the window. The idea is to momentarily disengage from work to refresh your mind.

These breaks prevent mental fatigue and keep your creativity and problem-solving abilities sharp throughout the day. They’re like reset buttons that help maintain a consistent level of performance. Regular breaks help ensure that the time you spend working is truly productive.

11. Invest in a Good Workspace

Investing in a good workspace isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity. It’s about creating an environment that fosters focus, inspiration, and efficiency. This doesn’t necessarily mean splurging on the latest ergonomic chair or high-tech gadgets (though they can help), but rather tailoring your space to your needs.

Start by considering the basics: a comfortable chair, a desk at the right height, good lighting, and minimal distractions. Then, think about the personal touches that make your space inviting and motivating. This could be plants, artwork, or anything that creates a positive and energizing atmosphere.

A well-organized and personalized workspace can dramatically enhance your productivity. It’s about minimizing discomfort and distractions so you can stay focused on your tasks. Remember, when you invest in your workspace, you’re investing in yourself and your ability to perform at your best.

Take Charge of Your Productivity Today

Now that we’ve journeyed through these 11 productivity tips, it’s clear that being productive isn’t just about doing more; it’s about doing what matters, efficiently and effectively. We’ve talked about managing energy, tuning out distractions, focusing on one task at a time, and letting go of perfectionism. We’ve also discussed the importance of tackling the hardest tasks first, identifying your productive periods, automating manual tasks, and the crucial role of time-blocking.

But remember, productivity isn’t just about what you do; it’s also about how you take care of yourself. Eating well, getting enough sleep, taking regular breaks, and investing in a conducive workspace are all part of the equation.

Now, it’s over to you. Take these insights and make them your own. Start small, perhaps by implementing just one or two of these tips, and then build from there. The key is to make consistent, incremental changes that lead to sustainable productivity habits. This isn’t about a one-time overhaul; it’s about evolving into a more productive version of yourself, day by day.

Take charge of your productivity today. Not tomorrow, not next week, but now. Because the path to a more productive, fulfilling life is paved with the actions you take today.


What are the best productivity tips?

Productivity tips are essentially your tools for smarter work – prioritizing tasks by urgency and importance to efficiently manage your time and focus on what truly matters. It’s about optimizing your efforts for maximum impact.

How can I maximize my productivity?

Maximizing productivity starts with a solid plan. Begin each day or week by outlining your main objectives. Use tools and apps to keep you organized and focused think task managers or calendar apps. Harness the power of saying ‘no’ to overcommitments that don’t align with your goals. Optimize your environment for focus, whether that means a quiet room or just the right playlist. 

How do I start a productive day?

Kicking off your day on a productive note sets the tone for success. Start with a morning routine that energizes you – this could be exercise, meditation, or simply a cup of coffee in silence. Review your goals and tasks for the day, then tackle the most challenging or important tasks first; this is when your energy levels are typically highest. Avoid starting your day with emails or social media as they can derail your focus. Remember, a productive day begins the night before – getting adequate rest is part of your strategy for success. 

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Host of Netflix's "How to Get Rich", NYT Bestselling Author & host of the hit I Will Teach You To Be Rich Podcast. For over 20 years, Ramit has been sharing proven strategies to help people like you take control of their money and live a Rich Life.