43 Best Travel Jobs 2024 (w/ Salaries & Pros + Cons)

The prospect of exploring the world while still progressing your career has appealed for many years. However, thanks to the digital age and increased accessibility, travel jobs are more attractive than ever.

Studies show that 55% of people want to travel more frequently. Travel jobs are the perfect way to facilitate this. However, anyone wanting to make the most of this way of life must choose the right position. This guide to the best travel jobs will point you in the right direction.

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Why Travel Jobs?

When selecting your next job, it’s not only important to consider the position itself. You must also be sure to make a career choice that aligns with your desired lifestyle. If you have a passion for seeing the world, travel jobs could be the perfect opportunity – especially as there are so many possible paths to take.

Pros And Cons


  • You gain the chance to see more of the world and gain an authentic experience of the places you visit.
  • Low living costs in the places you live can help you save for a property down payment.
  • It is an opportunity to try out several jobs over the next year or two, which is great when you are undecided on a career path.
  • The knowledge and skills gained from time spent working in other countries can play a key role in your future development.
  • You can avoid the threat of falling into a dead-end job and develop the right mindset to keep building a better career and life.


  • You will need to leave friends and family behind, although you can now keep in touch via digital methods with ease.
  • The earnings you gain in most countries for most jobs will be lower than the national US average salary of $54,132 a year.
  • It is unlikely that you will step onto the property ladder while you are still living the life of a nomad.

How To Find Traveling Jobs


The great news about traveling jobs is that they do not have to be forever. So, you can always test the waters for a few months and return home should you soon realize that it’s not for you. The next question, then, is how to find the best travel jobs.

There is a community of an estimated 35 million digital nomads who work online while traveling, in addition to millions of others that choose more traditional jobs that incorporate regular travel. Either way, you can learn about opportunities in several ways, such as;

  • Reading guides (like the one you’re currently reading).
  • Checking online job postings in destinations that you want to visit.
  • Consider the jobs that can be completed from anywhere in the world.
  • Speak to friends who travel and work to see what they do.
  • Ask your current employer if there are opportunities at international branches.

What You Need To Know

While the thought of traveling and working seems appealing at a glance, it’s important to think carefully before starting this. This means considering the immediate and long-term situations.

Is It For Everyone? 

Everyone loves the thought of traveling more but the truth is that working while exploring the world isn’t for everyone. Firstly, you should be sure that the job can support your target lifestyle. You should also consider the fact that you’ll have far less stability in your home life and job. At times, you could potentially be living out of suitcases while not every decision you make will lead to a positive experience.

For some, it is a chance to enjoy the best of both worlds. For others, though, it stops you from getting the most out of either.

Can You Do This Long-Term?  

Technically speaking, you could continue to choose travel jobs for life. In reality, though, most people will do it for a few years before settling down. Meanwhile, you must consider which countries will allow you to stay on a working visa that lasts more than a few weeks. While some of the jobs listed below are long-term, many won’t be. You must take this into account.


  • When looking for travel jobs, be sure to analyze the pay against the cost of living and your future savings goals.
  • Whatever you want to do, look for jobs that enable you to work less and achieve more. This will help you enjoy the travel aspects too.
  • If you have a desire to help communities, actively look for travel jobs that help you do this.

Travel Jobs With Salaries

1. Travel Nurse

If you are an RN degree holder, your skills are in high demand across the globe. Travel positions last for up to three months and can include a host of benefits like tax-free earnings and free accommodation throughout your stay. You can complete several assignments too.

Estimated salary: $30 – $40 per hour

2. Event Coordinator 

Overlooking the organizing of events can involve a lot of travel. Whether it/s working on commercial events, trade shows, or wedding planning doesn’t matter. You can build this career to travel often or even work as a nomad moving from one project to the next.

Estimated salary: $50,000 – $100,000 per year

3. Flight Attendant 

Flight attendants get to travel the world and often spend several days in a new city before taking their next flight. The lifestyle can be very different depending on short and long-haul, but it is one of the travel jobs where you can maintain your permanent home residence.

Estimated salary: $1,000 – $4,000 per month

4. Geoscientist 

As a geoscientist who studies the natural earth, you will need to visit the places in question.  Whether traveling interstate or to different continents, it can be an extremely rewarding job. You could work permanently for one company or as a contractor for several as you travel.

Estimated salary: $40,000 – $70,000 per year

5. Consultant

As an expert in your field, companies will be willing to pay for your expertise and guidance. Short-term contracts often lead to increased daily rates while you can also use this as an opportunity to travel the country or the world.

Estimated salary: $5,000 – $20,000 per month (depending on field)

6. Au Pair 

A live-in babysitter, or au pair, might not gain the highest wage. However, it’s a great option for anyone with childcare experience, not least because it means free accommodation and allows you to truly immerse yourself in the culture of family life in a new place.

Estimated salary: $500 – $2,000 per month (plus accommodation)

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7. Cruise Line Worker 

Cruise liners need entire workforces ranging from cooks and cleaners to entertainers and medical staff. Earnings will be determined by the exact role you take on, but it is an ideal way to visit multiple places as you won’t be required to work 24/7.

Estimated salary: $1,000 – $4,000 per month (plus food and accommodation)

8. International Aid Worker 

Completing long and short-term roles for the UN or major organizations as an aid worker is a very rewarding career. Each project will take you to a new corner of the globe. You may work in R&D, funding, managing budgets, and more. Experience and a degree are needed. 

Estimated salary: $15 – $50 per hour

9. Translator 

To become a translator, you will need to be fluent in at least two languages and a qualification to prove this if you want the best paid jobs. You could subsequently work for public or government figures, in hotel resorts, or any setting where translators are useful.

Estimated salary: $10 – $50 per hour

10. Auditor

Auditors work with a range of companies to analyze entire business models, contributing massively to the company’s future performance and success. It is estimated that the average auditor spends 50% of their time traveling for their work.   

Estimated salary: $45,000 – $86,000 per year

11. Hotel Manager 

Moving into the role of hotel manager is one that allows you to relocate before subsequently changing to new branches once you feel ready. If working for a chain of hotels, it could provide a long-term career rather than a single job too.

Estimated salary: $90,000 – $130,000 per year

12. Marine Engineer

Marine engineers design and build vessels and offshore equipment. It is a universal skill that you could use to earn money as a nomad. Or you could work for a company that has clients over the world to enjoy short-term travel placements while still having a base at home.

Estimated salary: $60,000 – $125,000 per year

13. ESL Teacher

Teaching English to non-native speakers is one of the most popular travel jobs as it is a skill that’s sought in virtually every country. Depending on the exact role, you may require a degree or a Teaching English as a Foreign Language certificate. 

Estimated salary: $2,000 – $3,000 per month

14. Content Creator

Content creation can cover blogging, vlogging, podcasting, and a host of other creative avenues. Aside from combining creativity with travel, it offers an opportunity to work for yourself and potentially open up a plethora of secondary revenue streams.

Estimated salary: $3,000 – $5,000 per month

15. Film Camera Operator

Film and TV crews have to travel the world for on location shoots. There are many roles to consider including runner, camera operator, mic operator, director, producer, make-up artist, ADs, and more. As well as promoting travel, the work itself can be very engaging.

Estimated salary: $70,000 – $100,000 per year

16. Scuba Diving Instructor

Scuba diving is a common bucket list item for holidaymakers. If you travel to a hotspot, there will be plenty of work for PADI-qualified instructors. Alternatively, you could start a scuba diving school of your own. 

Estimated salary: $1000 – $4000 per month

17. Yoga Teacher

Yoga teachers (or pilates, Zumba, and PTs) can either find their own clients or work for local gyms and hotel resorts. Either way, enabling guests or locals to stay healthy can pay well. It also gives you a chance to find meditation spots in the places you visit.

Estimated salary: $30 – $100 per hour

18. Bartending

Bartending fits the vision of someone who works and travels better than any other job role. It is a great option for youngsters as it is flexible, requires no experience, and is readily available in all popular tourist destinations. Moving from one role to another is easy too.

Estimated salary: $1,000 – $3,000 per month

19. Teach English Online 

The role of an ESL teacher has already been discussed. However, you could also look to teach English via Skype or other online methods. This allows you to work with the same students even when you travel or pick up new students from around the globe.

Estimated salary: $1,000 – $3,000 per month

20. Travel Writer

Blogging and content creation have opened new doors. But you can also look to more traditional journalism jobs that cover travel. For example, you could write for magazines and newspapers or for travel guidebooks.

Estimated salary: $0.10 – $1.00 per word

21. Travel TV Presenter

Film crew roles and online content creation have already been discussed. Travel presenters for TV shows combine elements from those two roles. There is an entire genre of TV shows built around holidays, buying real estate in other countries, and reporting from abroad.

Estimated salary: $40,000 – $60,000 per year

22. Street Vendor

Street vendors often sell food in tourist hotspots, but you could also look to sell art or homewares. As an outsider, it is a chance to bring your culture to a new location. Busking and caricature artists are further examples that make ideal travel jobs.

Estimated salary: $50 – $500 per day

23. Travel Agents

While the day-to-day life of a travel agent may be based in a local office, you will need to learn about the destinations and hotels you sell. This affords a chance to enjoy regular travel while maintaining a steady career and home life.

Estimated salary: $3,000 = $6,000 per month

24. AirBnb Host 

Renting out your property via Airbnb or an alternative platform could be the perfect way to fund your travels. You will need to pay a company to take care of your property and guests, but your earnings can still cover the costs of your backpacking adventures.

Estimated salary: $1,000 – $7,000 per month

25. Roadie

When a band goes on tour, they need roadies to help with setting up the equipment and assisting with the logistics. It’s long hours but is a chance to work with talented musicians and travel to dozens of venues within a few months.

Estimated salary: $30,000 – £120,000 per year (sound engineer)

26. Travel Photographer 

Once you know how to make money from photography, you can take those skills anywhere. As well as capturing various landscapes, you could document world events, sporting occasions, music, and much more on your travels. It’s a great way to work on a passion.

Estimated salary: ¢1,000 – ¢10,000 per month

27. Tour Guide 

A tour guide’s job description is pretty self-explanatory. While you will need to learn about the places you are demonstrating, it is an ideal option for people that studied geography. Or you could work as a translator to provide an English version of existing tours.

Estimated salary: $1,000 – $10,000 per month

28. Private Yacht Sailer

Many millionaires like to take their yachts around the world but either don’t have the qualifications or would rather spend the majority of their time chilling. You can take this role on for them, although it does mean that they will choose the travel itinerary.

Estimated salary: $2,000  $3,000 per month

29. Hostel Worker 

Hostel working isn’t necessarily the most glamorous role on the list. But it does mean that there is free accommodation, a steady income for the duration of your stay, and no travel to work. You are guaranteed to find this type of work in virtually any country too.

Estimated salary: $10 per hour with free accommodation (and maybe food)

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30. Remote Office Worker 

Remote office work could cover an extensive range of job roles. Thanks to digital tech, you may be able to complete the job you were previously doing while setting your own schedule. In fact, this is something IWT employee Jonathan still does to this day.

Estimated salary: Whatever you were paid when working a traditional role

31. Travel Masseuse

As a qualified masseuse, you could get work in a variety of venues in virtually any city. However, your skills will be particularly useful in hotels, spas, or on cruise ships. Finding your clients is an option but working for a company is easier for the duration of your stay.

Estimated salary:  $50 – $200 per day

32. Pilot

Like flight attendants, pilots get to travel the world. Moreover, there are restrictions on how many hours you can work over a set period of days. It often leads to spending time in the city you’ve landed in while airlines will pay most of the bill while you’re away.

Estimated salary: $100,000 – $250,000 per year

33. Website Designer

When thinking about the prospect of working and travel, the idea of sitting around the pool or in a cafe while working on your laptop is a very common goal. It means you can continue to earn a US wage even when living in a country where the living costs are smaller.

Estimated salary: $20 – $50 per hour

34. Foreign Service Worker

There are over 160 US embassies worldwide, each of which has several foreign service worker jobs available. Working as a diplomat allows you to travel and celebrate your patriotism. While not distinctly specified, a degree is almost essential. 

Estimated salary: $85,000 per year (plus 25% allowance)

35. Athlete

Of course, only a select few people have the talent to become professional athletes. However, it is a career that offers the chance to travel the world. For young athletes, it can open the door to college scholarships too.

Estimated salary: It depends on the sport and level

36. Volunteering

A variety of volunteering schemes are available around the globe. This includes organizations like the World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms. You work 20-30 hours per week on a community project and gain accommodation and food. While traveling. 

Estimated salary: $0 (free accommodation and food)

37. Ski Resort Worker

Working on a ski resort could mean ski instructing or completing another job on-site to support holidaymakers. Either way, it is a chance to enjoy the slopes during your downtime before using the earnings to fund travel when the ski season ends.

Estimated salary: $15 – $25 per hour

38. Affiliate Marketer

Affiliate marketing is an industry worth tens of billions of dollars. The beauty of it is that you can manage every aspect remotely from anywhere in the world. This makes it one of the best travel jobs as you set your schedule and do not have to worry about fulfillment.

Estimated salary: $1,000 per month – $1,000 per day

39. Archaeologist

As a qualified archaeologist, there will be plenty of opportunities to take on projects in different parts of the world. In many cases, you may be expected to work on a site for several months at a time.

Estimated salary: $40,000 to $80,000 per year

40. Tattoo Artist

People often get tattoos while they are traveling. If you are a skilled tattoo artist, you will easily find work in popular destinations. Working for an established business will ensure a steady flow of clients while earning will be healthy regardless of the country.

Estimated salary: $500 – $10,000 per month

41. Truck Driver

Long-haul truck drivers will complete a lot of travel. Whether it’s interstate travel or international journeys, there will be opportunities to explore places while enjoying life on the road. However, a commercial vehicle license will be required.

Estimated salary: $30 per hour

42. Taxi Driver 

Or if not a taxi driver, you could work as an Uber driver. You can take the job with you to virtually any part of the world. You just need a vehicle and a device with online connectivity. Another short-term option is to work deliveries for a restaurant in the city you visit.

Estimated salary: $10 – $25 per hour

43. Construction Worker

Virtually any trade, including plumbing and electrician work, will have a good demand. Skilled and qualified construction workers can get jobs all over the world too. Working for private firms or on public projects, you will gain a healthy wage.

Estimated salary: $1,000 – $3,500 per month

Travel can add so much to your life and you’ll never regret the chance to explore the world around you. I know I haven’t! Here are some of my favorite travel experiences:

How To Get A Travel Job

If you want to get a travel job, be sure to invest in your resume and self-confidence before taking the time to consider what roles are suitable. When you combine this with finding destinations that will provide a great quality of life and a little online research to prepare your applications, it won’t be long before you land a dream job.


After missing out on a lot of travel opportunities due to the pandemic, 2024 is the perfect time to look for a radical lifestyle change with travel jobs. It can be especially useful if you’re struggling to get on the property ladder due to the cost of living crisis or want to make the most of your freedom before settling down, although it can be used by workers from all backgrounds and demographics.

Either way, the job list above should help you find the right option.

Frequently Asked Questions About Best Travel Jobs

What Is The Highest-Paid Traveling Job? 

Sales directors, pilots, cruise ship directors, and marine engineers are all paid well. Of course, a host of factors including location have an impact. Meanwhile, freelancers and traveling business owners can earn great money by running their ventures remotely while they travel.

What Country Pays You To Visit? 

It may be possible to be paid (or gain subsidized travel) to visit several countries. Italy, Japan, Cyprus, Mexico, and Malta are just some that have incentives. But you should always complete your research in advance.

How Traveling Affects Mental Health?

Traveling is shown to broaden the mind and enrich your life. Being active and spending time outdoors can work wonders for your mental health too. If you can combine it with a reasonable salary, your quality of life will soar.

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Host of Netflix's "How to Get Rich", NYT Bestselling Author & host of the hit I Will Teach You To Be Rich Podcast. For over 20 years, Ramit has been sharing proven strategies to help people like you take control of their money and live a Rich Life.