Social Media for Business by Ramit Sethi

The Ultimate Guide to Social Media for Business

With 4.89 billion users in 2023 alone and projections hitting 6 billion by 2027, the message is loud and clear. A solid social media strategy is no longer optional; it’s essential. Between my active YouTube channel (over 480k subs), and active presence on Instagram and X, it’s clear: social media isn’t just a part of the game; it’s the whole playing field! 

That’s why I’ve created this article, to not just get you in the game but to help you dominate it. Let’s get into it!

Social Media for Business by Ramit Sethi
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Table of Contents

What Is Social Media for Business?

The average Joe clocks in around 2 and a half hours daily on social media, mindlessly scrolling, liking, and engaging. That’s a vast ocean of attention your business needs to be swimming in! Imagine every scroll, every pause in that endless feed as a chance for your business to shine, to grab Joe’s attention and make him notice you.

Sure, posting what you had for breakfast might rake in likes on a personal profile, but if you’re using your business account, think twice. Unless, of course, your business is all about whipping up delicious breakfasts. Then, by all means, share away. The trick is not just to be present on social media but to be strategically engaging, making every post, every interaction count towards building your brand and connecting with your audience. 

Social media for businesses is way more than casual posts; it’s a combo of art and science that helps you connect with your customers and amplify your brand’s voice across the digital world. Marketers didn’t stumble upon a trend but a transformation in 2022, declaring social media marketing as the dominant force in the digital arena. It’s not just about being online; it’s about being on-point, insightful, and genuinely engaging with your audience to turn scrolls into sales.

Benefits of Using Social Media for Business

1. Build Brand Awareness and Reach a Larger Audience

With the bulk of online activity happening on social media platforms, a robust social media presence ensures your business is both seen and actively engaged with. This visibility isn’t limited by geography; social media breaks down international barriers, opening your brand to a global audience at the click of a button.

Interestingly, the way people search for products and services is evolving. A growing trend among younger users shows a preference for using social media platforms, like Instagram and TikTok, over traditional search engines like Google. This shift is significant – it highlights the importance of social media not only as a space for connection and entertainment but as a vital tool for discovery and decision-making in the consumer process. For businesses, this means adapting strategies to meet users where they are.

2. Monitor Your Competition

Everyone and their dog—yup, literally, a LOT of dogs—are on social media. But yeah, your competition is there too. It’s not about playing copycat with their content; it’s about turning their social media presence into a valuable dataset. Analyze what garners engagement, how their audience responds, and what seems to resonate. This isn’t about replication; it’s about inspiration. Let their strategies inform you, not define you. Remember, imitation might flatter, but innovation captivates. Audiences are savvy; they seek authenticity. Use what you learn to craft strategies that are uniquely yours.

3. Build a Relationship With Your Customers

Social media is your direct line to customers, a two-way street that’s about much more than broadcasting your messages. It’s about conversation, engagement, and building trust. Don’t just sit back and post; dive into the comments, initiate discussions, and be genuinely responsive. When you interact, ask questions, and engage personally, you’re not just collecting feedback; you’re building relationships. And in today’s digital-first world, those relationships are your brand’s most valuable currency. They turn followers into fans, customers into advocates, and make your social media presence about meaningful connection, not just marketing.

4. Showcase Your Product or Service

Ditch the lifeless images and bland write-ups. Instead, think dynamic—a TikTok that gets people talking, an Instagram story that pulls them into your world, or a Facebook tutorial that solves a problem. Lean into the power of your community by sharing content created by your actual users. It’s more than just showing off what you’ve got; it’s about weaving a narrative that resonates, demonstrating the real-world impact of your products. This approach isn’t about advertising; it’s about making genuine connections through sharing stories that matter to your audience.

5. Drive Traffic to Your Website

Picture social media as the liveliest, most vibrant street fair in town—everyone’s there, from jugglers to jewelers. Your mission? To be that standout booth that not only catches the eye but convinces people to follow you back to your shop around the corner—your website. This isn’t about just waving passersby over; it’s about sparking their curiosity with your unique flair, then leading them to where the real magic happens. Your website is where the relationship deepens, where browsers become buyers, and casual followers turn into loyal fans.

6. Compliment Other Marketing Channels

Social media shines when it teams up with your other marketing efforts. It’s like linking arms with your email campaigns to form a stronger bond with your audience. For example, including a social media signup option in your emails opens a straightforward path for followers to join your email list. Likewise, sprinkling your social media links in email footers makes it a breeze for subscribers to connect with you across platforms. This strategy boosts your marketing’s effectiveness, creating a cohesive experience that engages your audience at every touchpoint.


How to Use Social Media for Business

1. Start By Setting Social Media Goals for Your Business

Kicking off your social media strategy without clear goals is let’s say, not smart. Setting concrete social media objectives is your first order of business. I can start giving you generic tips, or just sharing what works for me, but that won’t necessarily work for you. The first thing you need to do is answer the question: What DO YOU want from social media? Do you want more leads? More exposure? More awareness? Improved customer service? Define this and the rest will easily fall into place.

2. Gather Insights With Social Media Analytics Tools

Analytics tools allow you to craft detailed reports, track your progress, and make informed decisions about where to channel your energies. You’ll see which posts resonate, which platforms are giving you the best ROI, and much more. With most social media platforms equipped with their own analytics, you have everything you need at your fingertips to refine your strategy and focus on what truly works.

3. Don’t Be Afraid to Work With Influencers

Working with influencers isn’t exclusive to the big brands; businesses of all sizes can tap into the power of influencer marketing. While the mention of influencers often brings to mind celebrities with millions of followers, there’s immense value in partnering with nano influencers—those with fewer than 10k followers but a highly engaged audience. These influencers can introduce your product to the right people without breaking the bank. Set clear goals, conduct thorough research, and start connecting with influencers who align perfectly with your business’s ethos and target market.

4. Make Use of Paid Social to Reach Specific Audiences

Leveraging paid social media advertising is both an effective and cost-efficient strategy to spotlight your business. The standout advantage? The ability to pinpoint exactly who sees your ads. Tailor your audience with precision—whether by location, interests, demographics, or more—ensuring your message reaches those most likely to engage. This targeted approach maximizes your ad spend, putting your business in the spotlight for the right people.

Top Social Media Platforms for Business

Different social media platforms usually have different audiences and work differently. 

You don’t have to create a profile for your business in all of them at once. 

I recommend focusing on 1 or 2 at first, choosing them depending on your target audience, and then working towards building your presence. For my business, I particularly focus on YouTube, where I’ve grown my channel to nearly 500k subscribers, and on X, where I connect daily with people.


As the largest social media platform with over 3 billion monthly users, Facebook is one of the best social media platforms for businesses. 

Facebook business pages allow for customization so potential customers can see the type of product or service you’re offering, contact information, and hours of operation at the top of your page. 

For better results, you can use Facebook advertising to complement your organic reach. 


This is the second-largest search engine in the world after Google and 68% of YouTube users reported that they go to YouTube to help them make a purchase decision. 

Tutorials and “how-to” content thrive here, offering a prime opportunity to demonstrate your product in action. Diving into YouTube SEO and leveraging paid ads can significantly increase your channel’s visibility, drawing more eyes to what you have to offer.


In their search for the next purchase, Instagram has become a go-to for modern consumers.’This visually-driven platform is an excellent arena for showcasing your products through high-quality images and videos. To truly engage with your audience, make the most of Instagram’s interactive features like Live, Stories, and Reels.

How to Make Money on Instagram in 2024 (even w/o followers) is your go-to once you decide that Instagram is your channel to conquer.


With its rapid ascent to 1 billion active monthly users, TikTok has captured the hearts of the younger audience through its engaging andcreative content. Here, the key to engagement lies in crafting entertaining videos, participating in trends, and utilizing TikTok Live. Ensure your profile is set to a business account to access in-depth analytics and business tools.

If you’re not sure whether TikTok or YouTube is the channel for you, make sure to look into our TikTok vs YouTube | Everything You Need to Know guide to get some answers.

X (Formerly Twitter)

X maintains its relevance with 237.8 million daily users, offering a platform where concise, impactful content can lead to significant engagement. Opt for a business username that aligns with your brand, furnish your bio with a succinct overview of your business, and maintain active engagement by responding to mentions and comments.


Often seen primarily as a networking tool, LinkedIn also serves as a potent channel for business promotion. Beyond filling out basic information, optimize your company page with comprehensive details and keywords to enhance discoverability. Engage with your audience through valuable content and interactions to grow your professional network and visibility.

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Tips for Using Social Media for Business

1. Consistency Is Key

  •  Regular posting keeps your brand top-of-mind for your audience. Adopting a posting schedule, such as twice a week, ensures you remain connected and visible to your social media followers, maintaining a steady stream of engagement.

2. Interact With Your Audience

  • Social media thrives on interaction. Don’t let your comment section turn into a ghost town. Engage actively with your followers by responding to their comments and questions. Personalizing your responses adds a human touch, making your customers feel valued and heard.

3. Post High-Quality Content and Tailor Content for Specific Social Media Platforms

  • Generic, sales-centric posts are a no-go. Aim for content that is engaging, relatable, and informative. Remember, each social media platform has its unique audience and content preferences. Customize your posts to fit the platform, whether it’s snappy tweets on X or in-depth posts on Facebook.

4. Hold Giveaways Occasionally to Boost Engagement

  • Giveaways are a fantastic way to spike engagement and excitement around your brand. They encourage shares, likes, and comments, expanding your reach and potentially attracting new followers.

5. Share User-Generated Content

  • Showcasing content created by your customers not only enriches your content mix but also strengthens community bonds. It signals that you value your customers’ voices and contributions, enhancing trust and loyalty.

6. Keep Up With Social Media Trends

  • Staying abreast of the latest trends and viral content can give your brand a competitive edge. Incorporating trending topics or hashtags into your content strategy can increase visibility and engagement.


Which Social Media Is Best for Business?

Facebook is the most popular social platform and has great tools for small businesses. But ultimately it depends on your business goals and who you’re targeting.

Is TikTok Good for Business?

Yes, TikTok is one of the fastest growing social media networks in the world and this translates to a high number of potential customers for your business.

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Host of Netflix’s “How To Get Rich” NYT Bestselling Author, & Host of the I Will Teach You To Be Rich Podcast. I’ll show you how to take control of your money with my proven strategies so you can live your RICH LIFE.