highest paying freelance jobs by Ramit Sethi

18 Highest Paying Freelance Jobs in 2024 (by category)

Whether you’re looking to break free from the 9-5 grind or supplement your income, there’s something here for you. From project management to tech writing, the freelance world is filled with opportunities that are begging for your expertise. 

In this piece, I’ll walk you through the best freelance jobs in 2024. These aren’t just any jobs; they’re the highest paying gigs across diverse categories, vetted and viable for boosting your income. Let’s get into it!

highest paying freelance jobs by Ramit Sethi
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18 Highest Paying Freelance Jobs in 2024 (by category)


Technical writer

Being a technical writer is not just about creating manuals; it’s about bridging the gap between complex tech innovations and the everyday user. The top earners in this field are not your everyday writers; they are tech-savvy experts who can decipher code one minute and turn it into compelling, understandable prose the next. With the tech industry’s exponential growth, a freelancer skilled in making the complicated simple can command rates that mirror the value they bring, often reaching upwards of $70-$100 per hour.


This gig is beyond writing catchy slogans; it’s about creating compelling narratives that drive action – be it sales, sign-ups, or shares. The secret sauce? A deep understanding of psychological triggers and market trends. The best in the business often specialize in niches like email marketing, sales pages, or ad copy, where ROI is king. Commanding rates of $100-$200 per hour or more, top freelance copywriters don’t just write; they create conversions.

For those intrigued by copywriting, I recommend diving into “3 Creative Writing Careers That Pay in 2024 (+ How to Find Them)” to expand your horizon and pinpoint your next big break.

Content Marketer

If you want to be a Content Marketer, being a jack-of-all-trades is a must. Content marketers expand beyond creating content; they’re strategists, SEO experts, and analysts all rolled into one. The high demand for content that ranks and resonates has elevated this role. Leading freelancers in this domain often manage entire content ecosystems, blending creativity with data to drive engagement and conversion. Rates can soar to $75-$150 per hour for those who’ve mastered not just the art of content creation but the science of content performance.

If you’re looking for ways to hone your content marketing skills, my Ultimate Guide to Remarkable Content is your starting point, read it, take notes, test, and repeat.

Content Strategist

Stepping from the dynamic, multifunctional shoes of a Content Marketer into the strategic boots of a Content Strategist. This is the person who stands behind every viral blog post, every lead-generating ebook, and every engaging video series. This role is about seeing the bigger picture, crafting a content roadmap aligned with business goals, and measuring its success. High-paying clients seek freelancers who combine a keen editorial eye with a marketer’s mindset, because the content needs not only to shine but to sell. Top freelancers can expect to command $80-$200 per hour, especially when they bring a track record of significant ROI.

User Experience (UX) Designer

The digital world’s architects, UX Designers, are in high demand! It’s a role that combines psychology, design principles, and technology to create intuitive, user-friendly digital experiences. High earners in this field are more than designers; they’re user advocates and problem solvers. With businesses prioritizing online presence now more than ever, skilled UX designers who can demonstrably improve user satisfaction and conversion rates are commanding $100-$150 per hour, sometimes even more!

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Specialist

SEO Specialists are the masterminds behind high-ranking websites. In a content-saturated digital world, they ensure your site stands out. This role is evolving by the day; top SEO freelancers now offer comprehensive strategies that encompass keyword research, content optimization, and technical SEO. With a direct impact on traffic and, consequently, revenue, these specialists often charge $75-$150 per hour, especially when they can show substantial improvements in search rankings.

Public Relations Specialist

In the age of viral news, fake news, and instant opinions, the role of a Public Relations Specialist has become more nuanced. These freelancers manage narratives, shape public perception, and navigate crises with strategic communication. High-level PR freelancers who can juggle media relations, brand messaging, and crisis communication effectively can command $100-$200 per hour. Their work directly influences a brand’s reputation and bottom line, making them invaluable assets.


Data Analyst

In a world where data is king, the Data Analyst reigns supreme. A good Data Analyst besides crunching numbers, needs to be able to uncover the stories that the data tells and drive strategic decisions. Armed with specialized software and a keen analytical mind, these freelancers help businesses optimize operations, enhance customer understanding, and innovate product offerings. For those who can turn data into actionable intelligence, rates often exceed $100 per hour, reflecting the high value and ROI they bring to their clients.


The backbone of the digital age, programmers, transform ideas into reality through code. This role demands more than just technical skills; it requires creative problem-solving and an in-depth understanding of both the business and the customer. Whether developing new applications, optimizing existing ones, or integrating systems, top freelance programmers provide tailored solutions that propel businesses forward. With the demand for custom software soaring, skilled programmers specializing in relevant languages and frameworks can command $100-$150 per hour, particularly when they contribute to significant efficiency gains or revenue growth.

Cybersecurity Consultant

These professionals are the guardians at the digital gates, offering not just defense strategies but comprehensive security frameworks that protect against evolving cyber threats. The best in the field brings a blend of technical expertise, strategic foresight, and an understanding of regulatory requirements. They ensure a company’s digital assets are fortified at all stages, from development through deployment. Given the critical importance of their role, top freelance cybersecurity consultants can easily command $120-$180 per hour, a reflection of the peace of mind and protection they provide.


Digital Marketing Consultant

In the crowded digital marketplace, standing out requires more than just having a stellar product; it’s about clear, compelling communication. That’s where Digital Marketing Consultants shine. They’re not just marketers; they’re storytellers and strategists who craft engaging narratives that connect products with people. By developing clear, informative content – think snappy guides, insightful tutorials, and more, they turn complexity into clarity. For businesses lost in translation, these consultants are invaluable, turning potential confusion into customer conversion. Skilled digital marketing consultants can command $100-$150 per hour, their fees reflecting the significant impact they have on a business’s online presence and profitability.

To really get the inside scoop on making your mark in the digital world, don’t miss out on “The Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing” It’s pretty much the map you need to dominate in this digital jungle.

Software Consultant

Software Consultants are the translators between software capabilities and business needs. From evaluating the tech stack to implementing systems that streamline operations, they ensure that businesses leverage technology effectively. Their expertise not only enhances operational efficiency but also empowers teams to use software to its full potential. In a world where the right software can make or break a business, top software consultants easily earn $100-$200 per hour.

Legal Consultant

These professionals distill the legal jargon into actionable advice for businesses aiming to operate within the bounds of the law while pursuing growth. Whether it’s drafting contracts, advising on intellectual property rights, or navigating corporate law, their expertise is invaluable in preempting legal hurdles and safeguarding interests. For businesses looking to mitigate risks and capitalize on legal strategies, a top-tier legal consultant is worth their weight in gold, commanding rates of $150-$300 per hour.

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Creative & Knowledge Transfer

Web Designer

Today’s digital-first world demands more than just a functional website; it calls for a digital masterpiece. Enter the Web Designer: the creator of the online experience. These creatives blend aesthetics with usability, creating stunning and intuitive sites. Beyond the visual, they ensure that every click and scroll tells a story, engaging visitors and guiding them with ease. Their ability to translate brand identities into digital form makes them important for businesses aiming to stand out, justifying rates of $50-$150 per hour for designs that dazzle and deliver.

Online Tutor

Beyond mere subject experts, these educators are lifelines for students struggling to grasp complex concepts. With personalized approaches and a passion for teaching, they break down barriers to understanding, turning frustration into fascination. Their ability to adapt lessons to the digital format and connect with learners across screens makes them invaluable. In a world where education is increasingly online, skilled tutors command $30-$60 per hour, a rate that reflects the profound impact they have on students’ academic journeys.


Executive Assistant

In the high-speed world of business, executives often find themselves swamped, managing a relentless schedule that could easily overwhelm them. That’s where the Executive Assistant comes into play, not just as a helper, but as a linchpin for efficiency. These professionals master the art of juggling calendars, orchestrating travel plans, and ensuring the executive’s day runs without a hitch. Their role transcends mere tasks; they’re strategic partners in productivity. With rates of $25-$50 per hour, top executive assistants offer a blend of precision, foresight, and unwavering support, making them indispensable to high-fliers in any industry.

Virtual Assistant

Echoing the role of an executive assistant, yet with the added advantage of operating from anywhere in the world, these professionals are the backbone of administrative efficiency. Whether managing emails, transcribing documents, or keeping schedules in check, their role is pivotal in ensuring the smooth operation of day-to-day tasks. Embracing flexibility, virtual assistants offer businesses a dynamic solution to administrative needs, with hourly rates ranging from $15-$40.

Project Manager

Project Managers are visionaries who see the project from a bird’s-eye view and understand how every piece fits together. By strategizing timelines, coordinating teams across time zones, and ensuring milestones are met, they drive projects across the finish line with finesse. Their expertise in tools, methodologies, and communication makes them pivotal for any project aiming for efficiency and excellence. Commanding rates of $50-$150 per hour, these consultants transform ideas into executed plans, proving that the right leadership can elevate projects from good to exceptional.

Start Your Freelance Journey Today

Picking your first freelance gig is just the start. Real expertise comes from diving deep into your field, getting to know all the ins and outs, and always looking for ways to get even better. Starting small is okay – grab those initial gigs that help you build a killer portfolio, one that doesn’t just show off your work, but tells your story and highlights your growth.

And don’t keep your skills a secret. Light up your LinkedIn, build a personal website that makes people take notice, or connect with folks in online groups. Your online presence is your door to many undiscovered opportunities. 


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Host of Netflix's "How to Get Rich", NYT Bestselling Author & host of the hit I Will Teach You To Be Rich Podcast. For over 20 years, Ramit has been sharing proven strategies to help people like you take control of their money and live a Rich Life.