10 Reasons why Email Marketing is still important for businesses

Is email marketing still worth your time and resources in 2024? With IWT boasting over 800,000 email subscribers, it’s more than just a part of my business — it’s the backbone of my marketing strategies. 

Email marketing provides a direct, cost-effective way to engage with your audience, boost sales, and create lasting relationships. In fact, robust 2023 studies show that businesses are saving time (30%), increasing lead generation (22%), and boosting revenues (17%) just by fine-tuning their email marketing strategies.

In this post, I’ve defined the purpose of email marketing and highlighted the 10 main reasons why it’s crucial for businesses to embrace it. 

Want to leverage the real power of email marketing for your business? Let’s dive in!


10 Reasons Why Email Marketing Is So Important

1. Direct and Consistent Communication with Your Audience

While social media platforms grapple with ever-changing algorithms that can limit the visibility of your content, emails cut through the noise and land directly in the inbox of your targeted audience. 

This direct channel is a powerful and efficient way to keep your customers informed and engaged. With email, you have the opportunity to maintain ongoing contact with your subscribers over an extended period, nurturing relationships and enhancing customer loyalty. 

After decades in this business, I’ve learned that acquiring new customers and retaining existing ones are both keys to a successful strategy. Staying in touch with past customers can often lead to repeat business, boosting customer retention and driving long-term success. 

Moreover, email’s effectiveness in inspiring action makes it an excellent platform for customer acquisition. When thoughtfully crafted, targeted email campaigns (complete with compelling calls-to-action) can be a highly effective means of attracting potential new customers. 

One prime example is Amazon. This e-commerce giant employs sophisticated and consistent email marketing strategies, from tailored product recommendations to order updates. These emails not only keep their existing customers engaged but also subtly guide them toward new purchases. 

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2. Timely Delivery of Messages

Unlike some digital channels, emails enable you to reach your customers in real-time. This opens up a world of possibilities, allowing you to dispatch limited-time promotional offers like exclusive birthday discounts or seasonal deals directly to your audience. 

The urgency embedded in emails becomes a powerful motivator, too, since it allows you to nudge customers to act swiftly when faced with expiring offers, creating a sense of exclusivity and prompting quicker decisions.

The accessibility of email also adds another layer of effectiveness. Given that the majority of people check their emails across various devices, often multiple times a day, especially on mobile, your messages are positioned to be regularly seen. This accessibility ensures that your communications remain at the forefront of your audience’s attention. 

Another factor that makes email campaigns stand out is their agility. Digital marketing requires a nimbleness that only email campaigns can deliver. They can be put together on shorter notice compared to other tactics, offering you the flexibility to decide when your messages hit the inboxes of specific audiences. 

As an example, we look to Starbucks. The brand masterfully employs quick and timely email campaigns, sending personalized offers and promotions to customers based on their preferences and behaviors and bolstering their strategy further.

3. Targeted and Personalized Messaging

This factor requires an understanding of your audience on a granular level and then tailoring your emails to speak directly to their preferences and behaviors. It’s like having a one-on-one conversation with each subscriber, and the results can be nothing short of ahh-mazing!

One powerful strategy is breaking up your email audience into separate categories based on their interactions. For instance, you can identify those who regularly open your emails but haven’t made a purchase and craft targeted messages that address potential concerns or apprehensions, or offer exclusive incentives. 

On the flip side, loyal customers who frequently engage with your content and make purchases deserve a different kind of attention, such as giving them early access to new products or a VIP discount. This level of segmentation enables you to send messages that resonate with each group’s unique needs and interests. 

To paint a clearer picture for you, let’s look at Amazon again. Their ability to personalize their emails is driven by their ability to analyze customer behaviors and use these insights to serve up tailored recommendations. In turn, their subscribers receive emails suggesting products similar to those they’ve browsed or purchased, making them feel seen and understood… as well as willing to shell out a few more bucks.

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4. Cost-Effectiveness

Unlike traditional advertising that can bleed your finances dry, email marketing lets you achieve substantial results without breaking the bank. It’s a game-changer for businesses, especially those starting or scaling on a budget.

Take newsletters, for instance. They enable you to communicate with your audience en masse at a fraction of the cost of, say, running a television ad (since you’re not shelling out for prime-time slots). Instead, you’re delivering tailored messages right to the palm of your subscribers’ hands. 

A case in point is Groupon, which relies heavily on email marketing to deliver daily deals to subscribers. They’ve made the most out of email marketing’s cost-effectiveness by leveraging its efficiency and immediacy to reach customers with tempting offers at a low cost per conversion. 

5. Easy-to-Measure Success

Email marketing’s easy-to-measure success (and failure) rates give you clarity. These crystal-clear metrics reveal exactly what’s working and what needs improvement. Open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates — these numbers provide a comprehensive picture of your campaign’s performance. 

Let’s look at Amazon again. Their email campaigns meticulously track customer engagement and conversion rates. They scrutinize which product recommendations generate clicks, helping them tailor emails to customers’ preferences. This data-driven approach leads to a more personalized and effective buyer experience. 

And, as mentioned time and again, email analytics enable you to refine your messaging, understand your audience better, and adapt your strategy accordingly. You can segment your subscribers based on their behavior, creating highly targeted campaigns that resonate with different customer segments. 

6. Building Brand Awareness

Building brand awareness helps your readers buy into your brand journey. And email marketing offers a direct channel for you to tell your story. Consider Apple — through meticulously designed emails, they craft narratives around innovation, design excellence, and a seamless user experience. Each email becomes a chapter, contributing to the larger story of the Apple brand. 

Consistent messaging in emails also reinforces brand values. For instance, we at IWT consistently communicate our stance against penny-pinching. By weaving this messaging into various email campaigns, readers not only understand what our brand stands for but also what distinguishes us from others in the financial advice space. This repetition creates a brand resonance that lingers in the minds of our audiences.

Additionally, email marketing enables personalization, a key ingredient in building brand affinity. It helps customers see brands like Amazon as not just as an online marketplace but as a personalized shopping assistant. 

7. Driving Traffic to Your Website

Email campaigns act as personalized invitations to your online domain. For example, if I’ve just launched a new course on IWT, sending an email highlighting its unique value proposition draws my readers to my website for an exclusive experience.

Plus, strategic calls-to-action (CTAs) in emails act as road signs directing traffic to your digital storefront. For example, Amazon strategically uses CTAs in its emails, guiding users not just to the homepage but to specific product pages. 

Similarly, by embedding compelling CTAs in your emails, you’re not just driving traffic but also steering it toward high-converting pages on your website. And the measurable nature of email metrics allows you to assess the effectiveness of these CTAs, helping you refine your strategy for optimal traffic flow.

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8. Automation Options

Email automation buys you freedom — a key aspect of my version of a Rich Life. Imagine you’re at the gym, working on your fitness (cue Fergie; wait, you don’t know who that is? Did I just show my age? Darn). All while breaking a sweat, your latest blog post or a sneak peek into your next course is landing directly in your audience’s inbox. That’s why I love scheduling and automation. 

By batching your writing and scheduling emails, you’re both saving time and creating a consistent and reliable presence in your readers’ lives. This reliability builds anticipation and keeps your audience engaged without being overwhelmed.

Moreover, automation nurtures leads seamlessly. For instance, if a reader signs up for a free resource on IWT, a series of automated emails can guide them through the onboarding process, introducing them to my brand, content, and perhaps enticing them with exclusive offers. These emails welcome new subscribers and keep the conversation going, all while freeing me up to focus on creating more remarkable content.

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9. Boosting Sales

Email campaigns can directly stimulate sales by nurturing your leads. For example, e-commerce giants like Zappos send personalized product recommendations based on customers’ previous purchases, browsing history, and shopping behavior — boosting sales exponentially. 

This personalization extends to various industries, too. For starters, a B2B company can send targeted content to leads in the consideration stage, providing valuable information that leads them closer to a purchase decision. 

Second, email can boost sales by increasing customer retention. Imagine you’re a software company. After purchasing software, customers often need guidance to utilize it effectively. By sending regular “how-to” emails, the software company empowers users to maximize the product’s benefits, keeping them engaged and less likely to churn. This approach increases customer lifetime value, which translates into higher revenue.

Email marketing can also help recover abandoned carts, a persistent challenge in the e-commerce sector. Brands like Amazon are masters at this. They send timely reminders and offer incentives to nudge customers to complete their purchases. This simple but effective strategy brings a substantial boost in sales. 

Finally, campaigns that highlight limited-time promotions or exclusive deals can create a sense of urgency and drive immediate action. It’s a strategy that harnesses the power of FOMO (fear of missing out) to boost sales. 

10. Scalability

When Airbnb was expanding globally, they leveraged email to communicate seamlessly with hosts and guests across various continents. This scalability not only facilitated their growth but also maintained a consistent user experience. 

And with automated workflows, you can enhance scalability by reducing manual tasks. Take a look at Spotify’s personalized playlists, for example. Through automated emails, they curate playlists tailored to individual users’ music preferences, a feat achieved on a massive scale. This not only boosts user engagement but showcases how scalability can be elegant and effective.

Moreover, scalability in email marketing means adapting to the size of your audience effortlessly. Whether you’re a small business or a multinational corporation, tools like segmentation and personalization enable you to tailor messages to specific demographics or preferences. This flexibility ensures that your message resonates regardless of the scale of your audience. 

And lastly, as your business grows, so does the treasure trove of data at your disposal. Email marketing platforms provide analytics that helps you understand how your audience interacts with your content. Airbnb, for instance, uses data-driven insights to refine their communication strategy as they scale.

Craft Your Email Marketing Strategy Today!

Trends may come and go but email marketing remains a powerful, cost-effective tool that delivers direct, targeted, and measurable results. If you’re not leveraging the power of email, you’re leaving money on the table. 

From building lasting relationships to driving sales and maintaining a consistent brand presence, the benefits are as diverse as they are impactful. So, take the lessons from this article and turn them into actions that will drive your business forward.


What is email marketing?

Email marketing is a powerful digital strategy that involves sending emails to prospects and customers. Effective email marketing converts prospects into customers and one-time buyers into loyal fans. It’s about using emails to engage with your audience, promote your brand, share valuable content, and drive sales. With its personalized approach, email marketing helps you build relationships while keeping your brand top-of-mind. 

What is the best email marketing software?

The best email marketing software often combines ease of use with powerful features like automation, segmentation, analytics, and integration capabilities. While preferences can vary, Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and ConvertKit are frequently lauded for their user-friendly interfaces and robust toolsets, catering to a wide range of marketing needs from small businesses to larger enterprises. Choosing the right software depends on your specific goals, audience size, and the level of customization you need.

Why is email marketing important for small businesses?

For small businesses, email marketing offers a cost-effective way to reach out directly to customers and prospects, providing a higher ROI than many other marketing channels. Email marketing allows for personalized communication, helping small businesses build relationships, promote products or services, and increase customer loyalty. With the ability to directly measure success through open rates, click-through rates, and conversions, it empowers small businesses to refine their marketing strategies for better results. 

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Host of Netflix's "How to Get Rich", NYT Bestselling Author & host of the hit I Will Teach You To Be Rich Podcast. For over 20 years, Ramit has been sharing proven strategies to help people like you take control of their money and live a Rich Life.