How to make sure your online business stands out

Find your profitable business idea.

Starting an online business doesn’t mean you have to create the next Google or Facebook. In fact, you can use skills you already have to come up with a profitable business idea.

Find inspiration and get started today with this free downloadable PDF guide, 30 successful online businesses you can model, that’ll prove your existing skills can make you money. ↓

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Today’s question is from Tom. He asks:

“How can I, someone who is not unique, come up with something that is? What do I do if my primary passions are either not monetizable (theology), or seem to be saturated, like health and fitness?”

I love these types of questions because, if you can go in and actually look at the assumptions, you can easily spot what’s really going on.

For example, when Tom says, “How can I, someone who is not unique, come up with something that is?”, he’s already starting with the wrong assumptions and beliefs.

There’s nobody who’s exactly identical to you, nobody who has the exact same experiences, and nobody who has the exact same skills. You are unique, and you can take your unique skills and passions and share them with the world using an online business.

The next wrong assumption in this question is that the topic (theology) is “not monetizable.”

First off, to know that something won’t earn you money, you have to do research, study people, and dive deep into the market.

You can’t just decide “Oh, theology is not monetizable.”

I actually know of a preacher that comes up with sermons once a week. Then, he sells those sermons to thousands of other preachers across the world.

Turns out, preachers need to know what to say for their sermons, and, sometimes, they don’t want to come up with their own speech. He could only find that out by testing the market and seeing if anyone would pay him for his idea.

Because this guy didn’t just assume “Eh, that’ll never make money,” he now runs a six-figure business in the theology space.

The lesson here is that you have to do the homework. You can’t just guess what your market will want.

And the final thing I want to talk about with this question is the idea that “there’s too much competition. I don’t have anything unique to say.”

Let me start by saying, competition is actually a GOOD thing. It means there’s money to be made in that market.

Look at the personal finance space, as an example. It’s a very competitive market.

And yet, my book, I Will Teach You To Be Rich, still made it to number one on all of Amazon and become an instant New York Times Bestseller.

There were already thousands of books out there, thousands of people who’d written about personal finance before, but this book was still a huge success.

It’s the same way in the careers space. It’s a very competitive market. Yet, our product, Dream Job, continues to sell extremely well.

Nearly every other industry, from online business to psychology to productivity, works the same way: competition shouldn’t stop you from entering the market.

If there are other products out there selling, that’s not a bad thing. Counterintuitively, it’s a great thing because it proves people are willing to pay for this.

So if you think the market is saturated or highly competitive, stop using those words to describe it. Instead, you should think about it like this: these are markets that have a lot of demand.

And you can service that demand in many ways.

Take the market for health and fitness products for example. There are tons of ways you could offer something unique for an audience in this space.

For example, you could target college athletes. You could target 50-something-year-olds who want to start working after not doing anything for 10+ years. You could target moms who want to get back into their high school jeans.

There’s a million different ways you can reposition what you have to offer so that you can service a particular market.

Starting an online business doesn’t mean you have to come up with the next Google or Facebook, or a unique idea that no one’s ever heard of.

Instead, we need to think of every market as having lots of opportunities. And ask ourselves:

  • What can I do differently than what everyone else in the market is doing?
  • What are my unique skills that I can bring out?
  • What are my unique experiences that I can highlight?
  • Who am I targeting that’s not being served by other products or services out there?

Answering these questions and looking at markets in this way is how you can build very, very successful online businesses.

Now if you’re curious about how to get started with an online business, one of the first things you can do is find a profitable idea, and I can help you with that.

Click below for a bonus that I put together. It’s going to give you a lot of business ideas and the first steps in getting started.

Find your profitable business idea

Starting an online business doesn’t mean you have to create the next Google or Facebook. In fact, you can use skills you already have to come up with a profitable business idea.

Find inspiration and get started today with this free downloadable PDF guide, 30 successful online businesses you can model, that’ll prove your existing skills can make you money. ↓

When you sign up, I'm also going to send you my newsletter full of my best money advice for free.
Written by

Host of Netflix's "How to Get Rich", NYT Bestselling Author & host of the hit I Will Teach You To Be Rich Podcast. For over 20 years, Ramit has been sharing proven strategies to help people like you take control of their money and live a Rich Life.