Should I Buy a House Now? (5 Guidelines & Perfect Timing Tips)
Buying a house has been sold as a major part of the American Dream, but for many people, it doesn’t make sense for financial or lifestyle reasons. While there are some good reaso
Love and Money: Combining Finances After Marriage
It’s no secret that money talk is considered taboo, even in modern times. You’re more likely to bump into a neighbor and get into a heated discussion about the latest in poli
Should I Pay Off My Student Loans Or Invest? Here’s How To Decide
Student loans in America average near the $40,000 mark, and it makes it difficult to decide whether to invest or pay off student loans. Because, let’s face it, getting out of deb
Student Loan Consolidation Guide
Americans owe $1.5 trillion in student loan debt. The average graduate comes out of school with about $30,000 debt. With numbers like that, it’s easy to see why student loan
How to Apply for a Credit Card
When I was younger, I applied for a first credit card. Notice I didnt say I applied for a first right credit card. I didnt know any better. I just accepted the first credit card fo