Meet Selena

“When I look at why I’ve been successful, it’s because I followed Ramit’s systems.” — Selena Soo

Not “the kind of person” who could own an online business

Selena loved working as a programs manager for a non-profit, but the hours were long and she was only earning $42,000/year. So she went to grad school and, after graduating, struck out on her own as a publicist. It paid well, but the work zapped her energy.

“I found it draining working with people in this way. I really wanted to go beyond one-on-one work and help more people.”

Although Selena dreamed of having an online business, she always thought of herself as a “behind-the-scenes” kind of person.

“I’m an introvert. At night I would watch videos of Ramit, Marie Forleo and Danielle LaPorte on my laptop and think, ‘Wow, wouldn’t it be so cool to be a part of that world where I can make a difference in a lot of people’s lives?’”

“But I also thought, ‘I’m such a sensitive person.’ Those entrepreneurs were really bold and outspoken. That wasn’t the kind of person I was.”

Selena’s journey with Zero to Launch

No idea how to start

Selena knew she could only make so much working one-on-one. If she wanted to take her business to the next level, she needed to reach more people. Online business was the answer, but she had no idea what steps to take.

“I was so overwhelmed at the beginning. I had all these ideas. I knew that I could help people, but I didn’t know how to put everything into a system anybody could use. I didn’t know where to begin — so I did nothing.

Until she found Zero to Launch.

“Ramit has made the mistakes, he’s spent the money, and he has the lessons. You just follow his system and lean on the community, and you can figure out any challenge.”

Selena’s website,, has 15,000+ subscribers

Selena’s website,, has 15,000+ subscribers

Her first big win: $30,000 from a single blog post

Before Selena created any online courses or products, she earned over $30,000 from a single blog post.

How’d she do it?

Then came frustration

Selena wanted to reach more people and create an online course that taught them how to connect with high-level influencers. She asked her list if they’d pay $297 for the course.

Their reaction?

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“I’m willing to pay money and give everything to achieve my dream. I’ve had one-on-one coaching and bought nine of Ramit’s courses. I’ve invested so much, so it was very frustrating for me when people were like, ‘Oh, $297? That’s too much money. No thanks.’”

But this step, which is part of the Zero to Launch system, kept her from wasting time creating a product people didn’t want.

$150,000 from her first launch

Instead, Selena switched gears and designed a course based on the coaching advice she frequently gave. When she opened the course, she got 5X more interest than expected, earning $150,000. Her audience loved it.

“It totally changed people’s lives. It’s so rewarding to build such an amazing flagship product.”


How she more than doubled her revenue the next year

Now that the course was made, the hard work was over. Selena knew she could continue growing her list, then sell the same course again. And that’s exactly what she did. A year later she doubled the size of her email list, which led her to double her sales and make $330,000.

But she didn’t stop there.

She went back to the old product idea — the one people said they didn’t want. Following the Zero to Launch system, she discovered how to tell people about the course in a way that got them excited. She built the course, opened registration at two different points in the year, and earned over $204,000 from it.

December 28, 2015 Revenue Screenshot

Now she has the freedom to travel and share her message

Before Zero to Launch, Selena didn’t know how to grow beyond the one-on-one model so she could help more people and increase her revenue year over year.

Now she’s directly impacting thousands of people through her email newsletters and interviews for top podcasts and magazines. She’s even been invited to speak at events for top companies around the world.

“I have prepared meals delivered daily so I don’t have to cook. Plus I’ve hired a health coach and a personal stylist, so I have a whole team around me to help me create my best life and be the best CEO for my business.

“Even better, I can take 3 weeks off and be fine financially. I’m planning to go to Bali and Thailand. And I’m going to be in New Zealand for 3 weeks doing an event with Lululemon as their guest speaker.”

“I couldn’t travel around the world like this if I didn’t have an online business. I wouldn’t have these great opportunities to be on podcasts and share my message. It’s all because of what I learned in Zero to Launch.”

Selena’s been featured in major outlets

Selena’s been featured in major outlets

Invest in yourself

Selena admits she works hard — and it’s worth it.

“I was willing to do the hard work up front, invest in my dreams, and really grow my online business. Now, every single moment of my life, I say to myself, ‘I can’t believe I get to do this.’”

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Host of Netflix's "How to Get Rich", NYT Bestselling Author & host of the hit I Will Teach You To Be Rich Podcast. For over 20 years, Ramit has been sharing proven strategies to help people like you take control of their money and live a Rich Life.