Meet Maria

“The rewards go up exponentially.” — Maria B.

“I didn’t know anything about online business”

Maria is a habits coach who helps people develop healthy habits that last their entire lives. She’s great at what she does, but she was having a hard time reaching people.

She saw online business as a way to build a following. Two things stood in her way, though:

  1. She didn’t know anything about online business, with no idea how to build a website, market, or do anything technical.
  2. She shied away from self-promotion, believing “a good product should sell itself.”

Maria wanted guidance from someone who had proven success building an online business, so she joined Zero to Launch.

This course gave Maria the tools to handle the technical aspects of online business herself. But more importantly, it helped her conquer her fear of selling. Hear Maria describe the drastic mindset shift she went through in this video.

Afraid she’d “sound spammy”

Because Maria believed so strongly in her unique approach to fitness, she was reluctant to change how she spoke to customers. She didn’t want to sound like every other fitness instructor out there.

At the same time, it was difficult to attract customers and get them to see the value in what she offered.

Something had to change.

With Zero to Launch, Maria discovered how she could position and market her product in a way that was both authentic for her and compelling to her audience.

Maria created this course using Zero to Launch


Maria created this course using Zero to Launch

Watch the video below to learn the advanced positioning techniques she learned to create her Flat Belly Firm Butt course that’s been selling strong for over a year.

Automatic income

Once Maria learned to market and sell with authenticity, her business began to grow exponentially.

She continued to follow the Zero to Launch program, which helped her build her audience, create a product, and create a sales machine that sold for her, day and night.

Now she’s earning automatic income. And with her new mindset about sales, she’s able to reach a much larger audience. Listen below to hear how a single lesson helped her 4X her conversions.

Ongoing support

After going through the entire course, Maria continued to get support through the Zero to Launch community.

“The community is much better than any other community I’ve seen. It can’t even be compared to anything else. There’s a sense of unity between people who sign up. Everybody’s on the same page, even if they’re at different stages in their business.

“It pays to see how other people are doing things because it adds clarity. And clarity will really help propel your business.”

The community has also saved Maria thousands of dollars. After running into a problem with her online shopping cart, Maria spent days looking for a solution, only to come up empty handed.

“Then one day I thought, ‘I’ll check Zero to Launch forum for recommendations.’ I searched “shopping carts” and quickly found what I needed.”

Maria’s website,


Maria’s website,


“I’m high-fiving myself”

Though she used to avoid self-promotion, Maria’s learned to embrace it. Since Zero to Launch, her business has been featured on Lifehacker, Yahoo!, Elephant Journal, Tinybuddha, Essence magazine, The Chicago Tribune, and many more.

Plus she now has 2 books, 2 online courses, 100,000 monthly readers, and an email list of 13,000 subscribers.

One of Maria’s books on Amazon


One of Maria’s books on Amazon

Her success is a direct result of her willingness to learn from others and put in the work.

“I studied a lot and I worked a lot. I see how much better I am right now compared to a few years earlier, and I’m high-fiving myself.”

“Start taking action”

Maria went through a noticeable transformation during the Zero to Launch program.

The truth is we all have felt fear, overwhelm, and self-doubt. Watch her insights about how to conquer these crippling barriers.

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Written by

Host of Netflix's "How to Get Rich", NYT Bestselling Author & host of the hit I Will Teach You To Be Rich Podcast. For over 20 years, Ramit has been sharing proven strategies to help people like you take control of their money and live a Rich Life.