Meet Kristian

“[Zero to Launch] works anywhere in the world, not just in the U.S.” — Kristian Zalaba

“I wanted something more fulfilling”

By his mid-twenties, Kristian had built his own successful advertising agency. But while the money was good, he wasn’t completely happy.

“We were working with big clients and financially everything was OK. But I felt frustrated because I wanted to do something more fulfilling.”

He joined the I Will Teach email list and soon saw material on our Zero to Launch course. In addition to finding more fulfilling work, he wanted automatic income and a business that gave him more freedom and flexibility. The course was a perfect fit.

Though he was excited, he initially doubted it would work, for 3 reasons:

  1. He didn’t live in the U.S.
  2. He had no business idea or skills he thought were profitable
  3. He had no special credentials, experience, or connections

Building an online business outside of the U.S.

Many international readers never join Zero to Launch because they think it only works for U.S. readers. Or they’re afraid nobody will take them seriously due to their accent.

But after seeing a case study of another Zero to Launch student who lived in a small European country (and spoke English as a second language), Kristian realized those fears were all in his head.

“I said to myself, ‘Oh my God, it works anywhere in the world, not just in the U.S.’ So I immediately signed up for it.”

Finding his profitable idea

Kristian’s first step after joining the course was to find a business idea. Despite thinking he had no useful skills, the steps in Zero to Launch showed him that wasn’t the case.

“First I needed to find out what my inner strengths were. So I did some research [and] asked my friends: [They said] I’m an organized guy, so that seemed like a good topic for me.”

After he found his idea — helping people with organization and productivity — he continued following the course to learn how to turn those skills into a profitable business.

Kristian's website

Kristian’s website,

2,500 followers despite having “no credentials”

When Kristian started, he had zero credentials. No experience, no clients, no followers, nothing.

But through Zero to Launch, he learned that didn’t matter. Instead, he discovered that by following the course’s steps to create valuable content, he could build a loyal following.

“Now I know that readers don’t need an expert, they need tested and working solutions. I just need to listen to their burning pains and write detailed posts that help them.”

Today Kristian feels fulfilled by his work.

“I really enjoy the process of building the audience, offering massive value, and getting positive feedback. I get thank-you emails multiple times a week, and it feels good that my material helps others.”


2,449 subscribers to his website

“Building an online business can be fun”

Even though he lives in a small European country, Kristian is impacting thousands of lives. He’s already working on his first online course, which he learned to create with the Zero to Launch system.

Rather than creating a product and hoping people buy it, Zero to Launch showed Kristian how to listen to his audience, find their deep burning pains, and create a product tailor-made to help them.

Now, once his course is ready, the deck will be stacked in his favor. He won’t have to scurry around for leads and buyers, or feel the crushing disappointment of launching a product nobody wants. All he has to do is turn to his list of 2,449 readers, who already know, like, and trust him, and say, “Here’s the course you asked for.”

“Zero to Launch gave me a lot of confidence. I know that one day my small blog can be my main business. and [that] gives me a lot of positive energy.”

magazine feature

Kristian was featured in a Hungarian magazine

Feel energized by your work

Kristian flew all the way from Budapest to talk in-studio and about his Zero to Launch journey. You can watch the full 7-minute interview below, where you’ll see:

  • Why 80% of the work for an online business is done before you create a site, product, or sell anything (3:42)
  • How building a business fills him with energy rather than draining it (4:00)
  • Why the strategies for building a business and getting six-pack abs are the same (4:52)

Find your own business idea

If you want the freedom and flexibility that comes with an online business but don’t have an idea, we have something for you.

Enter your email in the box below and you’ll get immediate access to my free guide: 30 Successful Online Business Ideas. This will show you what’s possible and help you come up with an idea of your own.

Ready to improve your habits and level up your life? Download our FREE Ultimate Guide To Habits below.

Along with the guide, I'll also send you my Insiders newsletter where I share other exclusive content that's not on the blog.
Written by

Host of Netflix's "How to Get Rich", NYT Bestselling Author & host of the hit I Will Teach You To Be Rich Podcast. For over 20 years, Ramit has been sharing proven strategies to help people like you take control of their money and live a Rich Life.