Meet Garrett

“I used Ramit’s free material to earn $1,000 in 30 days.” — Garrett Daun

“I was what you might call a seeker”

Garrett Daun always searched for explanations of everything that he thought was wrong with the world.

“I studied with a yoga guru in Hawaii. I practiced martial arts for 6 years. I also tried rock climbing, travel, meditation, religion, hypnotherapy — you name it and I’ve done it. But none of them really clicked for me. In fact, I found they carried me further away from what I was looking for.”
One of Garrett’s early experiments: Facial tension release techniques.

One of Garrett’s early experiments: Facial tension release techniques.

Although he had a range of interests — or short attention span, depending on who you asked — he consistently documented everything he was doing.

“I always had blogs, but nothing with PayPal buttons or anything like that. I just wanted to reach out to people and express what I was doing.”

How Garrett accidentally stumbled on his business idea

In 2006, Garrett’s search for the truth finally led to a breakthrough.

“I found myself laying in an extremely cold bedroom in rural Wyoming, giving myself a Radical Undoing session from a weird old book I’d found — one among thousands I had collected.”

“At the end of that session, I found my body trembling like never before. I wrote in my Moleskine journal, ‘I never knew what it felt like to be alive!’ Even now, I still tremble with the power of that first experience. That was the day I discovered I had a body.”

And, though he didn’t realize it at the time, it was also the day he discovered his successful business idea.

“That Radical Undoing session revealed that I was not using 95% of my functional capacity as a human. And neither were the people around me.”

Just like before, Garrett shared his experience. Only this time he found people wanted to learn more about what he was talking about. So he started

“Our sales pages were a disaster”

Garrett knew how to teach workshops since he’d been to many himself. But he didn’t really understand how online marketing and sales worked.
A Radical Undoing sales page from 2012.

A Radical Undoing sales page from 2012

“Our sales pages were a disaster. We would just look around at other sales pages online and mimic their appearance. They weren’t really resonating with anyone.”

Radical Undoing made a few sales, which was promising. But the initial excitement eventually wore off.

“The excitement of going from no money to having cash in the bank didn’t last long. We were delivering 4-week-long courses with hours and hours of video. It was a grind to create all this content and offer it for very little money.”

“I knew this was the only way I would ever get clarity”

When Ramit Sethi came out with Zero to Launch, it was a no-brainer for Garrett to sign up.

“I had been on his list a long time and earned $1,000 using Ramit’s free material. I knew signing up for Zero to Launch was the only way I’d ever get clarity with my online business.”

As he dove into the course, it was more than he ever expected.

“Zero to Launch is a lot bigger than I thought it would be. The sheer amount of material and interviews is mind-blowing. You can take any one of them and spend a year applying its lessons.”

“After taking the module on selling, I learned how to construct a sales page without hardly writing a word. I just use the words and phrases of my customers. It’s so much easier than what I was doing before.”

“Zero to Launch gave me the confidence to raise my prices”

Garrett’s sales doubled after ZTL.

Garrett’s sales doubled after Zero to Launch

The program also helped Garrett realize that, although his trainings and workshops were valuable to others, he wasn’t charging accordingly.

“Before, I was selling workshops for $50 to $200. I never felt it was right to charge more than that. Zero to Launch gave me the confidence to overcome that hurdle and raise my prices. This move alone doubled my sales.”

“Now I have the tools to work with anyone I want to help”

Success with online business keeps piling up for Garrett.

“Today, I’m running Radical Undoing and The Art of Not Giving a Fuck, which has also turned into a podcast with raving reviews.”

“On top of that, I’m working on another premium course in a new market. It’s a market I would’ve never felt okay going into before. Now I know I can help these people in a way that nobody else is. No matter what happens, Zero to Launch gave me to tools to work with whoever I want to serve.”

“The Caribbean was an imaginary place, now it’s my reality”

Garrett also loves the freedom and flexibility that comes with running your own online business.

“I spent 8 of the last 18 months in Colombia working from the Caribbean Coast. 6 years ago, the Caribbean was an imaginary place to me. Now it’s my reality.”

We brought Garrett into the studio to share his story. Watch the full interview where he reveals:

  • The challenge that earned him his first $1,000 on the side. Most people complain about not having enough to get started. However, you can use Garrett’s mindset shift to look for money-making opportunities everywhere (2:40)
  • How to work with whoever you want. The beauty of online business is that you don’t have to serve ungrateful customers or deal with cheapskates. See the simple strategy that lets you select the people you want to work with most (4:09)
  • The secret to winning sales pages that practically write themselves. Garrett used to swipe sales pages from other internet marketers and labor over every word. Now he hardly writes and his sales pages produce better results than ever with a single clever technique (4:35)

Want to build a business that enables you to live YOUR Rich Life? Get my FREE guide on finding your first profitable idea.

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Host of Netflix's "How to Get Rich", NYT Bestselling Author & host of the hit I Will Teach You To Be Rich Podcast. For over 20 years, Ramit has been sharing proven strategies to help people like you take control of their money and live a Rich Life.