Expert Advice for Starting a Business: What You Need to Know

In today’s world, your personal brand is your calling card — it’s what you’re known for, and it’s the impression people have of you when you’re not in the room. When someone says your name, what do you want them to think? That’s your personal brand.

Now, you might be thinking, “But Ramit, I’m not a celebrity or a CEO. Do I really need a personal brand?” Absolutely. Whether you’re a freelancer, a corporate employee, or even a student, your personal brand matters is your secret sauce in a world where everyone’s selling ketchup.

Today, we’re not just going to talk about personal branding; we’re going to go through 12 stellar examples of people who have nailed down their personal branding that you can follow in 2024. Let’s dive in!

Table of Contents

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Pick a Business Idea You’re Passionate About

Alright, let’s dive into the first step of starting a business: picking an idea. But not just any idea – one that lights a fire in you. Because here’s the thing: starting a business isn’t a walk in the park. It’s more like a marathon through a jungle – exhilarating but challenging. You’re going to spend countless hours building this thing, so it better be something you care about deeply.

But passion alone isn’t enough. Your idea also needs to be profitable and something you actually know about. That’s the sweet spot – where passion meets practicality. Ask yourself: “What am I good at? What do I love doing? And crucially, can I make money doing it?” This isn’t about chasing a fleeting hobby. It’s about turning a genuine interest or skill into a viable business.

For example, if you’re crazy about coffee and know everything about brewing the perfect cup, why not start a boutique coffee roasting business? Or if you’re a fitness enthusiast with a knack for personal training, consider launching an online fitness coaching service.

And remember, it’s okay if you’re not head-over-heels in love with every aspect of your business. The key is to find enough passion to fuel your drive and to make the business uniquely yours. Whether it’s through customizing your business plan or tweaking your offerings, there’s always room to infuse your personality and vision into your business.

Get ready for some realness!

In the next video, I’ll share with you a bulletproof technique that’ll tell you if your business idea could be profitable.

Conduct Thorough Market Research: Know Your Battlefield

Jumping into business without market research is like showing up to a duel with a butter knife. It’s not just helpful; it’s essential. Market research is your secret weapon, the spyglass that shows you where the treasures lie and where the pitfalls are hidden.

So, where do you start? First, get crystal clear on your mission. Ask yourself: “Who exactly am I selling to? What do they desperately need that they’re not getting?” This isn’t about making educated guesses; it’s about getting down to the nitty-gritty of your audience’s desires and pain points.

Here’s how you go full Sherlock Holmes on your market:

Primary Research: This is you on the ground, getting your hands dirty. Conduct surveys, interviews, or focus groups. Get direct feedback from people in your target market. For instance, if you’re launching a new app, find your potential users and ask what frustrates them about current offerings.

Secondary Research: This is where you put on your detective hat and sift through existing data – industry reports, case studies, market statistics. It’s all about painting a picture of the broader market landscape.

SWOT Analysis: Regularly do a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis. It’s a brutally honest audit of where your business stands and what you’re up against.

Remember, market research isn’t a one-and-done deal. It’s an ongoing saga. As the market evolves, your understanding should too. This isn’t just about surviving in your market; it’s about dominating it. Equip yourself with knowledge, and you’re halfway to victory.

Start with a Solid Business Plan: Building Your Business's Skeleton

Now, let’s talk business plans. I know, I know – just hearing ‘business plan’ can make your eyes glaze over. But trust me, this isn’t just bureaucratic hoop-jumping. Your business plan is the skeleton of your venture – the structure that holds everything together. Without it, you’re just a bunch of ideas floating around.

So, what’s a solid business plan all about? It’s your roadmap, your playbook, your game plan. It outlines your goals, strategies, market analysis, financial projections, and operational structure. It’s where your dreams meet the real world.

“But Ramit,” you might say, “writing a business plan sounds so tedious!” Here’s where I challenge you to shift your perspective. Don’t see it as a mundane task. See it as the process of laying down the foundation of your empire. It’s where you get to plot your path to success, anticipate potential hurdles, and plan your victorious march into the market.

Whether you choose a detailed document or a lean canvas model, your business plan should be clear, realistic, and, above all, adaptable. Markets change, new opportunities arise, and challenges pop up. Your business plan should be a living document that evolves as you grow.

Many people drop out at this stage, overwhelmed by the details. But not you. You’re here to play the long game. Dive into this process with enthusiasm. Find the excitement in this crucial step of building your business. Remember, the most successful businesses aren’t just born from great ideas; they’re built on solid, well-thought-out plans.

Bring in Professional Help: Investing in Expertise

Alright, let’s talk about getting professional help. And no, I don’t mean a therapist – though as an entrepreneur, you might sometimes feel like you need one. I’m talking about hiring experts like marketers, accountants, bookkeepers, or lawyers. Yes, it costs money, but here’s a classic Ramit truth bomb for you: being cheap about your dream can be the most expensive mistake you make.

Remember when we talked about SWOT analysis? Those weaknesses you identified in your business aren’t just obstacles; they’re opportunities – opportunities to bring in someone who can turn those weaknesses into strengths. Don’t know the first thing about digital marketing? Hire a marketer (or start by reading my Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing). Numbers make your head spin? Get an accountant.

Here’s where many budding entrepreneurs get it wrong. They try to do everything themselves, thinking they’re saving money. But in reality, they’re just slowing down their business’s growth. An expert can do in an hour what might take you a week. And let’s not even get started on the potential cost of legal or financial blunders.

Don’t procrastinate on this. The sooner you get the right people on board, the faster you’ll move. It’s like putting premium fuel in your sports car – sure, it’s more expensive, but oh boy, does it supercharge your performance.

Investing in professional help isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a hallmark of smart entrepreneurship. It’s about recognizing where your time and skills are best spent and letting experts handle the rest. So, don’t skimp on your dreams. Get the best people to help you build your empire.

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Manage Your Finances: The Lifeblood of Your Business

Managing your finances in business isn’t just important – it’s everything. As I often say, “There’s a difference between being cheap and being frugal.” Being frugal means knowing where every dollar is going and ensuring it’s bringing you maximum value. That’s your goal with business finances.

First things first, know your starting budget. How much do you need to kick things off? What are your operational costs going to be? These aren’t just numbers; they’re the pulse of your business. And if you’re not a numbers person, don’t wing it. Bring in a financial professional. They’re like personal trainers for your business’s financial health.

Keeping meticulous records of income and expenses is non-negotiable. It’s not the most glamorous part of running a business, but it’s as critical as it gets. A good system for tracking your finances can be the difference between sailing smoothly and capsizing in rough waters.

Now, let’s talk funding. You’ve got options – personal savings, investors, loans, grants, even reaching out to friends and family. Each comes with its own set of pros and cons. As I’ve always advised, “Spend consciously on the things you love, and cut costs mercilessly on the things you don’t.” Apply that principle here. Be strategic about where you get your funds and what you spend them on.

Remember, managing your business finances isn’t just about keeping your business alive. It’s about giving it the fuel it needs to grow, expand, and ultimately, help you live your rich life.

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Build a Network of Contacts: Your Success Network

In business, who you know can be just as important as what you know. Building a network isn’t just about collecting business cards; it’s about forging genuine connections that can open doors for your venture. Think of your network as a garden – it requires nurturing, but once it blooms, the rewards are immense.

Start by identifying industry events, online forums, and local meetups where you can connect with peers and potential mentors. Engage actively on professional platforms like LinkedIn. Remember, networking is a two-way street – offer value and support to others, and it will come back to you.

But here’s the real secret: Don’t just network within your industry. Expand your horizons. The best opportunities often come from the most unexpected connections. As I always say, “The big opportunities in life have to be actively sought out.” Your network is your treasure map to those opportunities. So, start building those relationships today. They’re investments that can pay dividends in ways you can’t even imagine yet.

Finalize Legal Structure and Registration: Dotting the I's and Crossing the T's

Finalizing your business’s legal structure and completing registration isn’t just red tape – it’s about laying a solid foundation for your business. This step is like putting on your business’s armor, readying it for the challenges ahead. It’s essential for dodging future legal and financial pitfalls.

Choosing your business structure – be it a sole proprietorship, LLC, or corporation – sets the tone for your tax responsibilities, personal liability, and ability to raise capital. It’s like choosing a car: each model has its own perks and limitations. A sole proprietorship is easy to start but offers less personal protection, whereas an LLC offers more protection but comes with more regulations.

Here’s where a legal professional becomes your ally. They’re the seasoned navigators who can guide you through the maze of legal requirements. They’ll ensure that you’ve filled out the necessary paperwork and are fully compliant with regulations.

Also, don’t overlook the tax implications of your chosen structure. Understanding your tax situation is crucial. As I often say, “What you don’t know can hurt you.” In the world of business, ignorance isn’t just bliss; it’s expensive.

So, take the time to get this step right. It’s not the most thrilling part of starting a business, but it’s undoubtedly one of the most critical. Get your legal ducks in a row, and you’re setting your business up for a smoother, more successful journey.

Establish a Winning Marketing Strategy: Make Some Noise in the Market

Let’s cut to the chase: In today’s world, if you’re not making noise online, you’re invisible. Establishing a winning marketing strategy isn’t just a good idea; it’s the lifeline of your business. It’s about creating a buzz so loud that your customers can’t help but notice you.

Start by crafting a robust online presence. Your website isn’t just a digital business card; it’s your virtual storefront. Make it pop. Ensure it reflects your brand, communicates your value, and, most importantly, turns visitors into customers.

Then, dive headfirst into the social media whirlpool. Whether it’s Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, or TikTok, find out where your customers hang out and meet them there. But here’s the key: Don’t just broadcast; engage. Social media is a two-way conversation, not a megaphone.

And let’s not forget about other digital marketing avenues – email marketing, content marketing, SEO, PPC campaigns… the list goes on. The trick is not to spread yourself too thin. Pick a few channels where you can truly shine and focus your efforts there.

Remember, your marketing strategy is like a cocktail party. You want to be the one everyone’s talking about – in a good way. So, make your message clear, your branding sharp, and your value undeniable. That’s how you turn the noise into music to your customers’ ears.

The Right Way to Start a Business: Embracing the Journey

In wrapping up, remember this: Starting a business is a journey rife with highs and lows. It’s about passion, but it’s also about practicality. From choosing a business idea that lights you up to conducting thorough market research, crafting a solid business plan, and seeking professional help when needed – each step is a building block towards your success.

Managing your finances, building a robust network, getting the legalities straight, and devising a killer marketing strategy are all part of this thrilling ride. But above all, it’s your resilience in the face of challenges that will define your journey. Setbacks aren’t just obstacles; they’re opportunities to learn, grow, and come back stronger.

So, embark on this adventure with eyes wide open, ready to adapt and evolve. The right way to start a business isn’t about a flawless launch; it’s about a steadfast commitment to your vision and the agility to navigate the inevitable twists and turns. Here’s to your success, to the lessons you’ll learn, and to the thriving business you’re about to build. Let’s get started!


What is the first thing you should have before starting a business?

Before diving into the business world, the first thing you need is a clear, well-researched business plan. This blueprint outlines your business idea, target market, competition analysis, financial projections, and strategies for operation and growth. It’s your roadmap, highlighting where you’re starting and how you plan to succeed. 

What is the best business structure?

The best business structure depends on your specific needs, including liability concerns, tax implications, and operational flexibility. Sole proprietorships and LLCs (Limited Liability Companies) are popular for small businesses, offering simplicity and protection. For those looking to raise significant capital, a corporation might be the way to go, albeit with more complexity and regulation. Each structure has its pros and cons, so it’s worth consulting with a legal expert to find the best fit for your venture.

What is the most common reason for a small business to fail?

The most common reason for small business failure is inadequate cash flow management. Without a steady flow of cash to cover expenses, businesses struggle to maintain operations, regardless of sales or profitability. This highlights the importance of not just earning but managing those earnings – planning, budgeting, and preparing for unforeseen challenges are critical components of financial health. 

How do I start a small business with no money?

Starting a business with no money might sound daunting, but it’s all about leveraging your skills and resources creatively. Begin with a service-based business where upfront costs are lower. Utilize free online tools for marketing and operations, and focus on building a strong network through social media and community engagement. Consider crowdfunding or pitching to potential investors if you need startup capital. Persistence, resourcefulness, and a clear value proposition can set you on the path to entrepreneurship, even with empty pockets.

What is the most profitable type of business?

The most profitable businesses typically have high margins, low overhead, and steady demand. Service-based businesses, especially those in finance, technology, and health sectors, often lead the pack in profitability due to low cost of goods and the ability to scale services. Online businesses and digital products also offer substantial profit potential with global reach and minimal startup costs. Identifying a niche with high demand and low competition is key to finding a profitable business model. 

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Host of Netflix's "How to Get Rich", NYT Bestselling Author & host of the hit I Will Teach You To Be Rich Podcast. For over 20 years, Ramit has been sharing proven strategies to help people like you take control of their money and live a Rich Life.