How to save money for your dream house 2024 | 4 insider tips

Buying a house may or may not be for you, depending on how you define your Rich Life. While I’m a huge advocate for the flexibility and financial freedom that renting provides, I also understand that for many, owning a home remains a lifelong goal.

So, in this post, we’re going to delve into how to save money for a house, step by step. Whether you’re committed to the idea of homeownership or just exploring your options, these simplified insider tips will guide you on your journey to saving money for a house in 2024. 

Let’s get to it!

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Expenses to Consider When Buying a House

It’s easy to understand why most people see renting as money down the drain. After all, you’re handing over your hard-earned cash to a landlord who, in turn, owns the property. 

However, the reality is, when you decide to take the plunge into homeownership, your monthly mortgage payment is just the tip of the financial iceberg. There’s a slew of additional costs (phantom or not) that can catch you off guard, including property taxes, insurance, utilities, repairs, interests, and maintenance fees.

Sure, you might have crunched the numbers for that down payment, which can range from zero to a hefty 20% of the home’s purchase price. But have you factored in the often underestimated closing costs? These typically hover between 3% and 6% of your total loan amount, and they can pack a punch. 

And let’s not forget about the often-overlooked moving expenses. A local move might set you back around $1,500, but if you’re trekking cross-country, be prepared for a bill that could climb to $4,000. 

It’s crucial to consider these financial aspects before diving headfirst into buying your first home. While it can be a fantastic investment, being aware of these expenses will help you make an informed decision aligned with your financial goals.


How Much Should I Save for a House Down Payment?

The first step on your journey to homeownership is understanding how much you can comfortably afford to spend. The old-school notion that you need a staggering 20% to 30% down payment before you can even think about owning a home? Let’s kick that idea to the curb because it doesn’t always hold true. 

While aiming for a significant down payment is commendable, especially for long-term savings, you can buy your own house for a lot less.

If you’re a first-time homebuyer, you can explore FHA loans, which demand a mere 3.5% down payment. And there’s more good news: if you qualify for programs like the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) or the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) loan, you could potentially snag your house with no down payment at all. 

If you don’t qualify, however, your down payment matters. A more substantial upfront payment often translates to lower interest rates over the life of your mortgage, which can save you a significant chunk of change. Plus, mortgage lenders tend to look favorably on larger down payments because it demonstrates your commitment to meeting your monthly obligations.

So, while the down payment landscape offers various options, it’s wise to weigh the pros and cons based on your unique financial situation and goals.

How to (actually) Save Money for a House

Once you’ve figured out how much you need against how much you earn, it’s time to start saving money. Here are six insider tips to help you succeed:

Start a conscious spending plan

Budgets are like the New Year’s resolutions of personal finance: promising, but often short-lived. Why? Because they’re designed to make you feel guilty about every latte or avocado toast, focusing on needs and completely overlooking wants. 

With a conscious spending plan, on the other hand, you’re not banned from spending but rather encouraged to be more conscious about it. It’s a financial plan that categorizes your expenditures into four types: fixed costs, important investments, savings, and guilt-free spending.

Here’s the breakdown: Allocate a percentage of your income to each category, ensuring that 20% goes straight into your savings. For example, if you’re pulling in $100K, park $20K aside for that down payment on your dream home. It’s about prioritizing minus much of the pain. 

For a deeper dive into the conscious spending plan, check out my blog, “​​Conscious Spending Plan: How to Budget by Looking Into the Future”, where I talk about flipping the script on budgeting and making your financial strategy work for you, not against you.

Cut out bad spending habits

Breaking bad spending habits is key to becoming a more conscious spender. The key is to identify those habits that funnel money away from your down payment fund. Are impulse buys your Achilles’ heel? It’s time to rein them in. Got multiple streaming subscriptions? Pick one favorite and redirect those extra bucks to your savings. It’s these small tweaks that can add up to significant financial gains.

Think of it as a financial detox, cutting out the unnecessary and making your money work smarter for you. The next time you’re tempted to splurge on something that won’t get you closer to your dream home, remember the bigger picture.

Again, it’s not about deprivation; it’s about making intentional choices that align with your dream home goals. Remember that every dollar you save is a step closer to unlocking that front door.

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Make money on the side

Thanks to the Internet, making money on the side has never been more accessible than it is today. You don’t need to be a seasoned pro or hold a degree to kickstart your side hustle. 

It’s about finding what suits you best and making sure you take extra steps to become good at what you do, whether that’s freelancing, offering consulting services, selling handcrafted goods on platforms like Etsy, or providing essential services to others.

The key is consistency. Once you’ve identified your niche and honed your skills, keep at it. Reinvest those extra earnings into your savings, and you’ll be amazed at how your financial future can transform. 

Don’t know what side hustle to pursue? No problem! My blog “50+ Best Side Hustle Ideas To Make Money Fast (+ #1 Secret)” can get you started in no time.

Work on your debt

Getting a mortgage isn’t just about finding the right house; it’s about securing the best deal, and that starts with your credit score. A low credit score can cost you a small fortune in interest, potentially adding up to thousands of dollars over your mortgage’s lifespan. 

For example, having a FICO credit score of 630 compared to a 790 could mean paying an extra $66,000 — money you could use for so much more.

To tackle this, take a close look at your credit card balances, student loans, personal loans, and auto loans. Start a strategic debt payoff plan, focusing on one at a time. Whether it’s the Snowball or Avalanche method, what matters is progress. 

Automate your savings

Imagine effortlessly saving money without feeling the pinch. That’s the magic of automating your savings. No need to agonize over moving money manually; instead, let a system do the heavy lifting for you. It’s like having a financial assistant that ensures your savings grow consistently.

You only have to set it up once and every month, like clockwork, a portion of your income finds its way to your savings. It’s both convenient and a psychological game-changer! 

By automating, you’re making the act of saving a non-negotiable part of your financial routine. Your savings grow quietly in the background, leaving you to focus on what truly matters: your journey toward that dream home.

Learn to say no

Downsizing and saying no to things that don’t serve your goal doesn’t mean turning your life into a monotonous routine; it means prioritizing the things you truly care about. Sure, it might mean skipping a few brunches or saying no to a Taylor Swift concert (after buying tickets to see Beyoncé), but think of it as a trade-off for something far more significant — your future home.

Every time you decline an invitation or choose a simpler, cheaper alternative, you’re redirecting money toward your dream. You’re not depriving yourself but you’re being more conscious about your spending. It might sting initially, but the joy of moving into your dream home will far outweigh the temporary discomfort of saying no.

Start Your Journey to Becoming a Homeowner

Forget all the one-size-fits-all advice; your journey is as unique as your Rich Life. The key is to align what you want with what you can afford, making it a personalized and sustainable adventure.

Start by understanding your financial landscape. What are your goals, and what can you realistically save? This isn’t a sprint; it’s a marathon. Be super consistent in putting money aside, even if it feels like a drop in the ocean at first. 

Remember, it’s not about keeping up with theories but about setting your pace, saving diligently, and making decisions that align with your vision of what a happy, fulfilled life should look like.


What is a good budget to save for a house?

Aim to save at least 20% for a down payment, but remember, this varies based on the house price and loan terms. Consider additional costs like closing fees, which are 3-6% of the loan amount, and remember, the more you save, the better your loan conditions and interest rates.


How much house can I afford with $10k down?

With a $10,000 down payment, targeting a home price around $50,000 with an FHA loan is feasible, assuming you meet the 3.5% minimum down payment requirement. For conventional loans aiming for a 20% down, you’d be looking at homes priced around $50,000, though such homes may be challenging to find in many markets. Always factor in additional costs and make sure the monthly payments are manageable within your budget.


Budgeting is unsustainable. Start “Conscious Spending” instead.

As seen on the IWT podcast, my Conscious Spending Plan helps you buy the things you love, guilt-free.

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Host of Netflix's "How to Get Rich", NYT Bestselling Author & host of the hit I Will Teach You To Be Rich Podcast. For over 20 years, Ramit has been sharing proven strategies to help people like you take control of their money and live a Rich Life.