16 Online Business Ideas for Beginners | Get Started Today

Building your own online business as a beginner can sound daunting. Some businesses need an upfront investment, detailed market research, or advanced tech skills – all of which aren’t ideal if you’re just starting out. 

In this post, I’ll walk you through 16 realistic business ideas you can start as a beginner.

1. Freelancing

Are you a talented writer? Do you have a knack for graphic design? Maybe you’re a wizard with SEO or a coding connoisseur? 

From writing captivating copy to crafting eye-catching graphics, there’s no shortage of opportunities to flex your skills. The beauty of freelancing lies in its versatility — you can offer your expertise on a project-by-project, ongoing, or long-term basis, making it an ideal choice for beginners who want to dip their toes into the business.

When you’re just starting out, platforms such as UpWork and Fiverr provide a launchpad for your business, connecting you with clients eager for your services. What’s more, you can even start freelancing as a lucrative side hustle before committing full-time. It’s a low-risk, high-reward path that lets you get started with minimal time and cost.

2. Content Creation

Content creators produce a number of informative and engaging content and share them across digital platforms. The point is to keep your target audience entertained, with the ultimate goal of turning them into a dedicated following, fostering community, and — of course — monetizing your work.

Content creation is remarkably accessible and cost-effective, making it the perfect online business for beginners to start with. For example, to kickstart your blogging career, you only need a domain name and web host. On the other hand, if you want to make a splash as a social media influencer, you can launch your content for free or leverage existing accounts. 

The beauty of content creation is its adaptability; you can tailor your content to a specific niche related to your expertise and interests. Essentially, you’re tapping into the talents and knowledge you already possess, making it an ideal starting point for budding entrepreneurs.

There’s a whole list of content creation avenues to explore. Apart from blogging and social media, you can create your own YouTube channel or start a podcast, all of which are impactful ways to run your own content creation business.

Starting a new business doesn’t have to be daunting, I’ve helped thousands of people build their own businesses and you can do the same by watching the video below!

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3. Online Courses

Online courses are one of our favorite types of businesses. In fact, this blog you’re on now, which has been around for over 20 years, sells many online courses. 

As a beginner, the easiest online course you can create is a course on something you already know. This could be within the domain of your full-time job, or what you studied in college. Or, you could make a course about specific hobbies you enjoy. Whatever you choose, if you have a passion to teach about it, there will be people who will want to learn from you. 

With online courses, you make a product once, and then you can sell it as many times as you want. You don’t have to rerecord the course again every time you make a sale, and you won’t need a physical warehouse to hold stock like how a traditional business would. 

Online courses businesses can make a LOT of profit too! We have multiple courses that have sold many millions of dollars worth, and a lot of our students and readers have grown sizable course businesses as well.

One of the best courses we’ve taught our students is Earnable. If you’re keen, check out this sneak peek inside the Earnable course library! 

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4. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is the art of earning a commission by promoting other people’s products or services. It’s like being the trusted middle-person connecting eager buyers with valuable offers.

Now, why is affiliate marketing such a hot prospect for beginners? First, the entry barrier is delightfully low. You don’t need a stash of your own products or a fat wallet for inventory. All it takes is a computer and an Internet connection. Plus, there are numerous affiliate programs across various niches, from health and wellness to technology and finance. This means you can find an industry that aligns with your interests or expertise.

Consider Amazon Associates to start, where you can promote everything from books to gadgets to furniture. Or dive into the world of digital products with affiliate apps like ClickBank, making it a prime choice for those passionate about niche topics. 

With the right strategy and persistence, you can turn those affiliate commissions into a thriving online income stream.

5. Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the art of fine-tuning web content to please both search engines and human readers.SEO is a versatile skill that’s in constant demand. Every business, from the local ones within your neighborhood, to big online companies, all want their website to shine on the front page of Google.

Here’s the kicker — you don’t need an Ivy League degree to get started. Plenty of free and paid resources are available to help you learn the ropes. 

You can start by learning the basics and offering your services to local businesses, gradually expanding to a broader audience and more challenging clients after that.

6. Website Design and Development

If you already have a computer science degree, doing website design and web development should definitely be at the top of your list. If you’re a real beginner with no experience in this field, there are many quick courses/bootcamps you can take to level up your computing skills, not to mention the numerous user-friendly website builders too. 

Clients won’t be too particular about your background so long as you’re able to deliver results. 

Website design and development can cater to a vast array of niches too, so you won’t be short on clients if you market yourself hard enough. From creating eCommerce sites for budding fashion entrepreneurs to building personal branding sites for solopreneurs, there’s a niche to suit every interest.

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7. Social Media Management

Social media managers are the ones responsible for curating engaging social media posts, growing followers, and fostering a brand’s online community. It’s a skill set that’s in high demand in our social media-driven era. 

From small local businesses to global brands, everyone wants to harness the power of platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The goal? To build a strong online presence, connect with customers, and boost sales. 

Social media management is something you can master without needing a marketing degree. You only need a talent for digital networking and some creative flair. Everyone wants to shine on social media. If you’re a beginner with a penchant for digital networking and content creation, social media management could be your ticket to a profitable online business venture.

8. Publish an Ebook

For beginners, e-books are a particularly great option for a first-ever information product, because they’re super easy to make. You may not even have to create anything new in order to do it.

I’ve been writing my blog ever since I was a college student in my dorm back in Stanford, and I’ve put out tons of e-books over the years. Recently, I’ve consolidated those e-books into Ultimate Guides of several topics for my readers. Some of my post popular Ultimate Guides are: 

You don’t need to have mega Ultimate Guides in order to build an e-book, remember IWT has been around for more than 20 years so the amount of content we’ve been able to consolidate into those guides is going to be much more if you’re just starting out. 

Start out by creating small e-books which you can use as lead magnets for your newsletter/blog. Or, just start by publishing standalone e-books and promote them to your connections on social media.

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9. Dropshipping

Dropshipping is a business model where you sell products to customers without holding any inventory. Instead, you partner with suppliers who can directly ship products to your customers. Your goal is to build an enticing online store, select winning products, and attract customers.

It’s refreshingly low on the financial and logistical hassles that often deter newcomers. Unlike traditional retail, you don’t need to invest in a warehouse full of inventory. You only purchase the product from the supplier when you make a sale, which significantly reduces your upfront costs. Plus, you don’t have to worry about packing and shipping orders. The supplier handles all that.

Dropshipping offers flexibility in choosing what you sell. You can tap into the evergreen markets like fashion, electronics, or home decor, or niche down into specific hobbies or interests. 

For example, you might explore the world of pet lovers, selling unique pet products, or venture into the eco-friendly niche, offering sustainable alternatives. As long as you do thorough market research, pinpoint your target audience, and provide exceptional customer service, you can find success in numerous niches.

10. Consulting 

As a beginner, the easiest online business you can start is by offering your services and expertise to others by doing consulting. 

Consulting only requires minimal upfront investment. Unlike some businesses that demand substantial capital for inventory, equipment, or marketing, consulting mainly relies on your skills and expertise. You can even start from your home office to limit overhead costs.

Consulting spans across various industries, and you can tailor your services to your passions and skills. For instance, if you’re a marketing whiz, consider becoming a digital marketing consultant.

If you excel in finance, you could offer financial planning or investment consulting. The tech-savvy might delve into IT or software consulting. Health and wellness enthusiasts can explore nutrition or fitness coaching.

11. Handmade Crafts

Are you looking to make some money off of your unique, artisanal products online? 

Handmade crafts are an excellent online business option due to their low startup costs, flexibility, and potential for creativity. Crafting can be pursued at one’s own pace, making it accessible for beginners with busy schedules.

It’s a passion-driven endeavor that allows individuals to monetize their hobbies. Online marketplaces like Etsy provide ready-made platforms to reach a wide customer base. Handmade crafts often boast high profit margins. And as your skills improve and customer base grows, it can become a sustainable source of income. 

Moreover, the authenticity, sustainability, and customizability of handmade products appeal to today’s consumers, making it a rewarding online business choice. Handmade crafts make up a wide range of one-of-a-kind, handcrafted products, from jewelry and candles to home décor and clothing. 

To succeed in this path, the key is to align your craft with your interests and target a niche that resonates with your style. 

12. Becoming a Virtual Assistant

Virtual assisting is a versatile online business that involves providing administrative, creative, or technical support to clients remotely. It’s a beginner-friendly option as it requires minimal startup costs — a computer and a stable Internet connection would suffice. This business allows you to leverage your existing skills, making it accessible for beginners. 

For instance, as a virtual assistant, you could offer general administrative support to small businesses by managing emails, scheduling appointments, or handling data entry. Alternatively, you might specialize in social media management, content creation, and audience engagement to boost online presence. These services cater to various industries, from eCommerce to coaching and consulting.

Virtual assisting offers the potential for a steady income both part-time and full-time, making it an excellent choice for aspiring online entrepreneurs to gain experience and grow their client base gradually.

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13. Digital Marketing

With digital marketing, you can begin with minimal resources; a laptop, Internet connection, and some digital marketing skills are all you need. There’s a wealth of online resources and courses available to hone your skills further, too. Plus, you can work with clients from virtually any industry — including content marketing and social media management — allowing you to choose a niche that aligns with your interests and expertise.

Digital marketing is a dynamic field with substantial income potential. By staying up-to-date with the latest trends and continually refining your skills, you can establish a thriving online business that helps other companies succeed in the digital landscape.

Check out my Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing if this is the online business you want to start.

14. Resume and Cover Letter Writing

In a competitive job market, a well-crafted resume and cover letter can make all the difference.

Resume and cover letter writing services cater to job seekers looking to craft compelling job application documents. The primary goal here is to help individuals secure job interviews by presenting their skills and experiences effectively.

What makes this business idea especially appealing for beginners is that you only need a computer, word processing software, and a knack for crafting persuasive content to get started. And if you want to kickstart your business faster, you can even offer your services on freelancing platforms.

As a resume and cover letter writer, you can specialize in different industries, from tech and healthcare to finance and creative fields. Alternatively, you can focus on specific career levels, such as entry-level job seekers, mid-career professionals, or executives. By tailoring your services to a particular niche, you can effectively target your ideal clients and provide specialized, high-value assistance.

15. Event Planning

Event planning involves coordinating and organizing various aspects of events, from weddings and parties to corporate meetings and conferences, with the goal of ensuring they run smoothly and successfully.

For beginners, event planning is an attractive option because you can start small by partnering with established wedding, corporate event, or social event organizers or offering your services for local events and then gradually expand your reach. 

Basic event planning software and good organizational skills are your main tools. Plus, with the rise of virtual events, you can tap into a growing market by offering your expertise in online event planning. Simply choose a niche that aligns with your interests and expertise so you can help clients create memorable experiences while building on your financial future.

16. Sell on eBay, Etsy, or Other Marketplaces

Selling on platforms like eBay, Etsy, or other online marketplaces involves listing products for sale and managing transactions through these platforms. The primary goal is to reach a broad audience of potential buyers and generate revenue by selling various items.

This is an excellent online business idea for beginners because most of their inventory is already in their closets or storage rooms. You can start by decluttering your home and selling items you no longer need. These platforms provide user-friendly interfaces and tools to create listings easily. Moreover, they handle payment processing and offer a built-in customer base, reducing the complexity of starting an online business.

On eBay, you can sell anything from vintage clothing to electronics. Etsy specializes in handmade crafts, vintage items, and unique art. Amazon, another popular marketplace, offers opportunities to sell new or used products. You can choose a niche that aligns with your interests and explore trends to find profitable products to sell.

Become a Business Owner Today!

Every business owner has to start somewhere. With today’s abundance of online opportunities, taking that step has never been easier.

By selecting a beginner-friendly online business idea that aligns with your passions and expertise, you set the stage for a fulfilling and profitable venture. So, whether it’s freelancing, content creation, e-commerce, or any of the other realistic online businesses for beginners we’ve explored, take that leap into business ownership today! 

But before you go, watch this video to learn how to dodge bad money advice and find trustworthy sources. 


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Host of Netflix's "How to Get Rich", NYT Bestselling Author & host of the hit I Will Teach You To Be Rich Podcast. For over 20 years, Ramit has been sharing proven strategies to help people like you take control of their money and live a Rich Life.