How to Make Money From Home in 2024

Making money from the comfort of your own couch has never been easier. No matter your background, education, skills, or age, we can show you how to make money from home.

I’m one of those people. I own multiple websites and online businesses, meaning I can work from anywhere with Internet access.

I’ve actually worked my entire career from home, and it’s just as amazing and people say it is.

Whether you’re seeking full-time remote employment, interested in starting an online business from home, or just looking for extra cash through a side hustle, there are dozens of ways to make money from home.

Table of Contents

Sell Online Courses

Online courses are one of our favorite types of businesses. In fact, this blog you’re on now, which has been around for over 20 years, sells many online courses. 

The easiest online course you can create is a course on something you already know. This could be within the domain of your full-time job, or what you studied in college. Or, you could make a course about specific hobbies you enjoy. Whatever you choose, if you have a passion to teach about it, there will be people who will want to learn from you. 

With online courses, you make a product once, and then you can sell it as many times as you want. You don’t have to rerecord the course again every time you make a sale, and you won’t need a physical warehouse to hold stock like how a traditional business would. 

Online courses businesses can make a LOT of profit too! We have multiple courses that have sold many millions of dollars worth, and a lot of our students and readers have grown sizable course businesses as well.

One of the best courses we’ve taught our students is Earnable. If you’re keen, check out this sneak peek inside the Earnable course library!

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Google AdSense

I’m sure you’ve seen advertisements on websites while you’re browsing online. Those sites get paid to display ads through an advertising network.

Google AdSense is my favorite network.

The platform makes it easy for you to get paid by running ads from legit companies on your website. I like using Google because they screen high-quality ads that are relevant to your audience. You have complete control over which ads get run and where to place them on your website.

For those of you who already have a website that gets traffic, this is a great way to earn some extra cash.

Write a Book

If you’ve got decent writing skills, you should consider writing a book.

Publishing a book today is much less resource-intensive than it was in the past. You can write one with little to no upfront expenses.

Platforms like CreateSpace allow you to publish a book on your own without going through a formal publisher. You can sell digital copies of your book through Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing as well.

Alternatively, you can write an ebook and sell it on your own terms. Offer the book for sale on your website and charge a fee for digital downloads.

Start a YouTube Channel

YouTube is one of the heavy weights for making money from home. Simply start a channel, upload videos, and try to get as many video views as possible.

If you’re starting from scratch, this strategy will take some time. Your best bet is to carve out a niche to gain a steady subscriber base. But as your channel grows, you can start earning real money.

There are five main ways to monetize your YouTube channel through the YouTube Partner Program.

  • Ads
  • Channel memberships
  • Merchandise
  • Super chat and super stickers
  • YouTube Premium

There are certain eligibility requirements for each method. For example, you need to have at least 10,000 subscribers to sell merchandise through YouTube. Channel subscriptions require 30,000+ subscribers. So you’ll likely need to start off by running ads on your videos.

If you can get YouTube scribers, you can make money from YouTube.

Virtual Assistant

Lots of small business owners and executive-level professionals could use a personal assistant. However, those individuals can’t always afford a permanent assistant on the payroll.

So it’s common for owners and executives to hire remote workers to handle administrative tasks.

A virtual assistant can handle a wide range of duties. Things like scheduling appointments, making travel arrangements, and taking messages can all be controlled remotely. All of the correspondence is managed over the phone, via email, or instant messaging.

Anybody can do this:

  • There’s no education or skills requirements
  • As long as you communicate clearly and stay organized, you can do the job well
  • The quality bar for virtual assistants is pretty low, a little extra energy will make you stand out and get long-term clients

Customer Service Representative

Lots of big companies outsource their customer service needs through third-party organizations. SYKES Home (formally Alpine Access) is a popular platform for call center outsourcing.

When people call an 800 number, the calls can automatically get routed to a customer service representative sitting in their own living room.

You can become one of those agents by applying for a position at SYKES. The company offers benefits like medical, dental, vision, 401k match, HSA, and more.

This is a great option for those of you who want a full-time or part-time remote position as an employee with steady paychecks and benefits.

Other popular companies hiring virtual customer service reps include and


Instead of just taking incoming calls, you can work as a telemarketer from the comfort of your own home.

You’ll need to have excellent communication skills to do well with this type of position. Being able to face rejection is part of the job. While most remote telemarketers are paid by the hour, the jobs typically come with enticing incentives and commission for sales.

Indeed is constantly posting new remote telemarketing jobs. So check out if any of those listings fit what you’re looking for.

Take Surveys Online

Companies will pay you to take surveys online. While the pay isn’t that high, it’s pretty easy and mindless work. You can do it from your computer while you’re watching reality TV in the background. Or just spend an hour taking surveys after dinner every night for extra cash.

Here are a few legit websites that pay for surveys:

There are lots of online survey scams out there, so be aware. If the site requires an upfront payment from you or asks for sensitive information, it’s probably fraudulent.

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Online Juror

Lawyers like to get opinions from mock juries on cases that they’re working on. It gives them a better understanding of how a potential jury would feel about their client, the case, and information being presented during a trial.

As an online juror, you’ll sit in virtually on a mock trial for real cases. Think of it like an online focus group but for court rulings instead of products or services. and eJury are two of the most popular online platforms for finding paid online juror jobs.

Freelance Writing

The demand for online content has never been higher.

Nearly every website is looking for high-quality blogs, how-to guides, landing page copy, and other content that requires skilled writing.

If you’re well organized and have good writing skills, freelance writing is one of the best ways to make money from home. You can do it as a side-hustle or even turn it into a career. I know plenty of freelancers earning six figures per year.

To get started, search through the job boards on Fiverr and Upwork to apply for different writing gigs.

Dog Walking and Petsitting

Sometimes housesitting and petsitting go hand and hand. Pets need to be fed and taken on walks while their owners are on vacation.

If you’re an animal lover, this can be an enjoyable way to earn some extra money. Housesitting jobs in homes that have pets are usually higher paying.

Alternatively, dog walking is in high demand for pet owners who work long hours. People want their pets to get out of the house, get some fresh air, and go to the bathroom during the day.

Rover is one of the most popular dog walking platforms on the market today. You can find dozens of jobs in your neighborhood, from drop-in visits to walking and doggy day care.

Test Websites and Apps

Businesses are always looking for feedback about their website and app. Improving the user experience can drastically improve conversions and revenue. So they’re willing to pay people to test sites and apps.

UserTesting is my favorite platform for this.

You can get paid up to $60 per test. Just sign up, visit the site or app, and complete a set of tasks while sharing your thoughts out loud, and get paid. That’s it! isn’t really a career. But it’s a great way to make some extra cash as a side hustle.

Transcription Services

If you’re a quick typer, you can easily make money from home by transcribing audio files to text.

For those of you who speak a foreign language, there are higher-paying transcription jobs for translators as well.

Rev and TranscribeMe are two legitimate websites for freelance transcription jobs.

Data Entry

If you’re comfortable completing microtasks from your computer, data entry can be a nice side hustle or part-time job. In some instances, you can even find full-time employment as a data entry clerk working from home.

Clickworker and The Smart Crowd both offer plenty of data entry positions for freelancers. You can also browse for data entry jobs on Upwork or Craigslist.

Online Consulting

Have you bought and sold a business for substantial profit? Did you take a website and build it to 100,000 visitors per month? Teach people how to do the same thing and become an online consultant.

People or business owners are willing to pay for advice, direction, or counsel to reach their goals.

The biggest hurdle in becoming an online consultant is getting your first few clients. Having a network in your field makes this a lot easier. And it’s still doable if you’re starting from scratch, you’ll just need to get creative with how you source your prospects.

I know consultants that make a ton of money, signing long-term clients for $10,000+ per month. Others charge $500 for a 30-minute phone call. While you can’t expect to get those rates from the beginning, it’s nice to know there is lots of room to grow.

Sell Products Online

Starting an ecommerce business has never been easier. You can create your own website using Shopify or make money from Amazon.

Both of these platforms support dropshipping. In short, dropshipping means you can sell online without ever having to touch the products. Products are shipped and fulfilled directly from the manufacturer.

You can run an online business selling virtually anything from anywhere with Internet access.

This is obviously a highly competitive space. So spend time researching products and your target market before you get started. Selling online isn’t something that you can do on autopilot. It still requires a substantial amount of work, especially in the early stages.

But there is no limit to how much you can sell, meaning there are no limits to how much money can be made.

Hold Shipments For Your Neighbors

With the rise of porch pirates, lots of folks want help with grabbing delivered packages before thieves do.

If they’re at work all day or on vacation, they fear that a package could get lost, stolen, or damaged if it’s left outside.

You can get paid to hold deliveries for people through eNeighbor.

Packages will be sent to your home instead of theirs. All you have to do is mark the parcel as delivered when it arrives. Set your own schedule to decide when pick-ups will be available. When someone comes to pick up a package, they just need to provide you with a release code.

Get paid $3.50 per package.

While this isn’t life-changing money, it can put some extra cash in your pocket if you have a place to store packages in your home.

Rent Your Car

If you want to make money from home, then you probably won’t need to drive too often. Instead of just letting your car sit in the garage or driveway, rent it out through platforms like Turo.

Turo is essentially Airbnb for your car. As the world’s largest car sharing marketplace, the average person earns $706 per month renting their vehicle.

That could be enough to cover your car payment, insurance, and still put extra money in your pocket.

Sell Your Stuff

If you don’t want to go through the hassle of creating an online store, buying inventory, and sourcing manufacturers, you can still make money by selling products online.

Look around the house for anything you don’t need. Whether it’s new or used, you can sell your stuff on eBay or through apps like OfferUp. Craigslist is always an option too. Just exercise caution if you’re planning to meet someone in person for an exchange.

Books, electronics, clothes, jewelry, and antiques are popular items sold second-hand online.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of my favorite ways to make money from home. Instead of putting paid ads on your website through an advertising network, you can earn commission directly from brands for referrals.

If you have a website or blog, this is one of the best ways to monetize your web traffic.

Some programs pay a one-time fee per referral. Others are structured as ongoing revenue for the lifetime of the referred customer’s contract.

For example, BigCommerce commission rates start at 200%. They’ll give you $1,500 per referral for Enterprise customers. Those percentage rates are tiered, meaning the more referrals you make, the higher the commission you earn.

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Host of Netflix's "How to Get Rich", NYT Bestselling Author & host of the hit I Will Teach You To Be Rich Podcast. For over 20 years, Ramit has been sharing proven strategies to help people like you take control of their money and live a Rich Life.