How to Become a Business Owner (an approach that works)

In this guide, I’m going to walk you through the real, no-fluff steps to becoming a business owner. We’ll bypass the myths and dive straight into actionable, proven strategies. Whether you have a spark of an idea or a fully-fledged concept, it’s time to turn that into a business that thrives.

How To Become A Business Owner
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Table of Contents

Find a Business Idea

When it comes to finding a business idea, it’s like solving a puzzle where the pieces are your skills, passions, and the needs of the market. Most aspiring business owners don’t make much progress because they misalign what they can offer with what the market wants. It’s about finding that sweet spot where what you love to do and what people are willing to pay for intersect. This is where magic happens – and sustainable businesses are born.

1. Identify Your Passions and Skills

Start by taking inventory of what you’re passionate about and what you’re good at. Reflect on what excites you. For me, it was using psychology and systems to help people lead their rich lives. What are you passionate about? Perhaps you’re passionate about sustainable living or have a knack for digital marketing. Aligning your skills and passions is the first step in creating a business idea that is not only viable but also deeply fulfilling.

2. Understand the Market

As I delved into the world of personal finance, I realized most advice out there was irrelevant or overly cautious. The market needed something different – and so might your chosen field. Look for gaps where your unique perspective or solution can make a difference. This understanding of the market is crucial in crafting a business idea that resonates.

3. Validate Your Idea

The stock market loss was my wake-up call to learn how money really worked. In your case, validating your business idea might not involve a financial loss, but it should involve testing your assumptions and understanding your audience. Your idea should solve a real problem or fulfill a genuine need.

4. Be Prepared to Pivot

My journey wasn’t a straight line. There were pivots and course corrections based on what I learned about money, psychology, and my audience. Be open to this evolution; your initial idea might transform as you gain more insight and feedback.

5. Assess the Competition

Look at the competition not as a threat, but as a learning opportunity. What are they doing well? Where are they lacking? Use this information to carve out your unique aspect.

6. Consider Scalability and Sustainability

Think long-term. Is your idea a fleeting trend, or does it have the potential to grow and evolve over time? A sustainable business idea is one that can adapt to changing markets and grow with your ambition.


Remember, finding a business idea isn’t a race. It’s a process of self-discovery, market research, and trial and error. As I learned with ‘I Will Teach You to Be Rich,’ the right idea, when nurtured with the right strategies, can lead to incredible success.

Draft a Business Plan

In the words of Dwight Eisenhower, 

"Plans are nothing; planning is everything."

This is your playbook for how you’ll win the game of business. It’s not about crafting a perfect document but about getting your thoughts in order and preparing for the challenges ahead. Let’s keep it simple and effective:

1. Keep It Lean and Mean

  • The Big Idea: Summarize what your business is about. What problem are you solving? Who are you solving it for?
  • Market Magic: Who’s going to buy your product? How big is this market? What makes you different from competitors?
  • Money Talk: How will your business make money? Outline your revenue streams. If you’re seeking funding, how much do you need and how will it be used?

2. Reality Check

  • Milestones and Metrics: What are your short-term and long-term goals? How will you measure success?
  • Financial Forecast: Keep it real with a basic cash flow projection. What are your expected revenues and expenses?

3. Flexibility is Your Friend

Remember, your business plan is a living document. It’s meant to evolve as you learn more about your market, your customers, and yourself.

In essence, your business plan is your roadmap to success. It doesn’t need to be a novel. Keep it concise, clear, and adaptable. As your business grows and changes, so will your plan. It’s not set in stone – it’s a guide to keep you focused and on track.

The IWT Podcast

If you’re enjoying this article, then you’re going to love the IWT Podcast. Unfortunately, not everyone follows the advice laid out here. Check out the episodes below where I helped two couples with their business woes.

“My husband doesn’t trust me to run our business”

“My wife won’t admit her business is failing and we constantly argue about it”

Register Your Business

Time to make it official – this is where your business becomes more than just an idea. The structure you choose – be it a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation – shapes everything from your daily operations to how much you pay in taxes. It’s like choosing between a motorcycle, a sedan, or an SUV; each serves a different purpose and comes with its own set of rules.

1. Choose Your Structure Wisely

  • Sole Proprietorship: Think of this as the solo ride. It’s all you, simple and straightforward. Great for low-risk businesses and entrepreneurs who want to test their idea before forming a more formal business structure.
  • Partnership: This is the business equivalent of a band. It’s great when you have a co-founder and want to share the responsibilities and profits.
  • Corporation: This is the big leagues. It offers the most protection but comes with more regulations. Best for those who plan to go big, maybe even public.

2. Make It Legal

  • Register Your Business Name: This is your brand’s identity. Check if your business name is available and register it.
  • Get the Necessary Licenses and Permits: Depending on your business type and location, you’ll need specific licenses and permits. This is like getting your driver’s license; without it, you can’t legally drive your business forward.
  • Understand Your Tax Obligations: Taxes can be complex, so it’s worth talking to a professional. They can help you navigate the tax landscape and avoid any pitfalls.

3. Where to Get Started

  • Online Resources: Websites like the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) offer step-by-step guides on how to register your business, understand the legal requirements, and find out what licenses you need.
  • Local Business Centers: Many cities have local business centers or chambers of commerce that can help you with the registration process.
  • Legal and Financial Advisors: Consider consulting with a legal or financial advisor. They can provide personalized advice based on your specific situation and goals.

Registering your business isn’t just a formality; it’s the first big step in protecting and legitimizing your dream. It sets the foundation for everything that comes next.


Look at Your Finances

You don’t need a fortune to start a business, but you do need to understand your numbers. Start by assessing how much capital you need to launch and sustain your business until it becomes profitable. Consider your funding options, be it savings, loans, or investors. Keep your personal and business finances separate – trust me, it’s a lifesaver!

1. Start With What You Need, Not What You Have

  • Estimate Your Start-up Costs: How much will it take to get your business off the ground? Think about your initial inventory, equipment, marketing, and other essential expenses.
  • Runway Calculation: How long until your business starts making money? Make sure you have enough capital to keep your business afloat until then.

2. Fund Wisely

  • Personal Savings: This is like using your own fuel. It’s risky but gives you full control.
  • Loans: Borrowing capital is like getting a fuel loan. It’s a common route but comes with the responsibility of repayment and interest.
  • Investors: Bringing in investors is like having sponsors for your race. They provide the fuel, but in return, they’ll want a say in how you drive.

3. Separate Streets: Personal vs. Business Finances

Just like you have systems in place to manage your personal finances, set up systems for your business finances.

Open a separate business bank account and get a business credit card. This separation is like having different lanes for personal and business expenses – it avoids confusion and makes tax time less of a headache.

4. Automate and Monitor

Managing your business finances isn’t about having a huge starting capital; it’s about smart planning, wise spending, and setting up systems that keep your financial ship sailing smoothly towards profitability.

Implement financial systems and software to track your income and expenses. Automate as much as you can. Once these systems are in place, you won’t need to micromanage every penny.

Regularly review your finances, but don’t obsess over daily balances. It’s about steering the ship in the right direction, not checking the wind every minute.

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Try to Make Your First Dollar

Now comes the most exhilarating part of your entrepreneurial journey: making your first dollar. This isn’t just about revenue; it’s a monumental moment that signifies the market’s validation of your idea. It’s proof that someone believes in your idea enough to pay for it. This initial success is your first taste of validation, and believe me, it’s the sweetest taste ever.

1. The Art of the First Sale

  • Start Small, Think Big: Your first sale doesn’t need to be a grand slam. Even a single dollar earned is a step towards validation and growth. Focus on securing that first customer, that first client, that first sale. It’s the gateway to many more.
  • Leverage Your Network: Begin with the people you know. Reach out to friends, family, and colleagues. They’re your first audience, your initial market testers, and potentially, your first customers. Remember, even if they’re not buying, their feedback is gold.
  • Test and Iterate: Use this early phase as a testing ground. Try different sales strategies, marketing messages, and pricing models. See what resonates with your audience and what doesn’t. This is not just about making a sale; it’s about learning how to sell your product or service.
  • Create a Compelling Offer: Make your first offering irresistible. Whether it’s a discounted rate, additional value, or a unique aspect of your product or service, give your early customers a reason to jump in. You’re not just selling a product; you’re selling an experience, a solution, a promise.
  • Focus on Solving Problems: Position your product or service as a solution to a specific problem. People are more inclined to part with their money when they see a clear benefit or solution to their needs or pain points.
  • Collect Feedback and Refine: Every sale, especially the early ones, comes with invaluable insights. Collect feedback diligently. What did your customers like? What could be improved? This information is crucial for refining your offering and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Test and Optimize: The Never-Ending Game of Business Chess

In the grand game of business, testing, and optimization are your clever moves. It’s not just about setting things up and hoping they work. It’s about being the grandmaster who’s always three steps ahead.


  • Embrace the Experiment: Just like in investing, diversification is key. Try different tactics in marketing, tweak your product, mix up your sales strategy. It’s like A/B testing your life – keep what works, ditch what doesn’t.
  • Metrics are Your Scoreboard: Keep your eyes on the metrics that matter. Whether it’s customer acquisition cost, lifetime value, or conversion rates, these numbers tell the real story of your business’s health. Ignore them at your peril.
  • Feedback is Gold: Your customers are the lifeline of your business. Treat their feedback like the treasure it is. It’s not just criticism; it’s a roadmap to making your product or service irresistible.
  • Stay Agile, Stay Ahead: The market changes, trends shift, customer preferences evolve. Your ability to adapt and evolve is not just smart; it’s survival.

Market with Your Value Proposition: Your Business's Battle Cry

Your value proposition is your battle cry in the noisy battlefield of business. It’s what makes customers pick you over the sea of competitors.


  • Clarify and Conquer: Make sure your value proposition is as clear as a bell. It’s not just what you do; it’s why someone should care.
  • Consistency is Key: Your value proposition should echo across all your marketing channels. Whether it’s on your website or a tweet, the message should be unmistakably you.
  • Target, Don’t Spray and Pray: Shotgun marketing is for amateurs. Be a sniper. Know your audience and tailor your message to hit the bullseye every time.
  • Measure, Tweak, Repeat: Keep an eye on how your marketing is performing. Tweak, adjust, and go again. It’s a cycle of relentless improvement.


Improve Cash Flows: The Art of Keeping Your Business Engine Running

Cash flow is the lifeblood of your business. It’s not just about making money; it’s about managing it like a pro.


  • Cash Flow is King: Stay on top of your cash flow like a hawk. Money in, money out – you should know where every penny is.
  • Negotiate Like a Boss: Your suppliers are your partners. Negotiate terms that give you breathing room. Cash flow crunches are often just a matter of timing.
  • Inventory: The Silent Cash Killer: Too much inventory eats your cash. Run lean, run smart.
  • Diversify Your Income Streams: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Multiple streams of income are your safety net.

Automate and Build a Team: From Solo Act to Symphony

As your business grows, you can’t be the one-man band anymore. It’s time to conduct the orchestra.


  • Automation: Your Efficiency Engine: Use technology to automate the mundane. It’s like cloning yourself without the sci-fi.
  • Hiring: The Growth Multiplier: Hire slow, fire fast. Get people who don’t just have skills but share your vision. They’re not employees; they’re co-builders of your empire.
  • Delegate Like a Deity: Empower your team. Delegate not just tasks but responsibility. It’s about building leaders, not followers.
  • Culture: Your Company’s DNA: Your company culture is what makes your business uniquely yours. It’s the soul of your business. Nurture it, protect it, and watch your business thrive.


Start Building Your Business Today

Let’s face it: waiting for the perfect moment to start your business is like waiting for all the traffic lights to be green before you leave the house – it’s never going to happen. The right time to start is now. With the steps we’ve covered, you’re not just daydreaming about being a business owner; you’re laying down the tracks to make it a reality.


This journey is like a thousand-mile trek. It sounds daunting, but it all starts with a single step. That step could be as simple as jotting down your business idea, talking to a potential customer, or even just opening a new document for your business plan. What’s important is that you start.


Remember, every successful business you see today started somewhere. They all had their first dollar, their first customer, their days of tweaking and optimizing, and their moments of uncertainty. But they all took that crucial first step.


So, take a deep breath, and let’s get your business off the ground. Start where you are, use what you have, and do what you can. The path might be unpredictable, but with each step, you’re moving closer to your goal. Let’s make your business dreams a reality. Start building your business today!


How hard is it to be a business owner?

Being a business owner is challenging but rewarding. It requires dedication, adaptability, and resilience. You’ll face obstacles, from financial management to market competition, but these are opportunities for growth. Success comes from your ability to navigate these challenges, make strategic decisions, and continually learn and adapt.

How do I start a business with no money?

Begin with a service-based business where initial costs are low. Utilize free online platforms for marketing and networking. Consider crowdfunding or pitching your idea to potential investors for funding. Focus on building strong relationships and delivering value, and reinvest any earnings back into your business. With determination and savvy, you can build a foundation without upfront capital.

How much does a business owner make?

The income of a business owner varies widely depending on the business type, size, industry, and location. Some may earn modest sums while others see substantial profits. It largely depends on how well the business is managed, market demand, and the owner’s ability to adapt and grow. Profits can increase as the business expands and becomes more efficient. Keep in mind, perseverance and smart financial management are key to increasing earnings over time.

What do I need to do as a business owner?

As a business owner, this is what you need to do:

  • Understand your market and continuously adapt to meet customer needs.
  • Manage finances wisely, including budgeting, investing, and forecasting.
  • Lead and motivate your team, fostering a positive and productive work environment.
  • Strategize for growth, setting goals and planning for the future.
  • Stay compliant with legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Network and build relationships with customers, suppliers, and other businesses.

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Written by

Host of Netflix’s “How To Get Rich”, NYT Bestselling Author, & Host of the I Will Teach You To Be Rich Podcast. I’ll show you how to take control of your money with my proven strategies so you can live your RICH LIFE.